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松本 隆志(2024-09-26)
・新エネルギー産業技術開発機構 (NEDO) 平成18年度第1回 産業技術研究助成事業費助成金 「魚類における核内受容体を介した脂質代謝制御経路の解明と高品質養殖魚飼育への適用」研究代表者,平成18-22年度
・平成21年度科学研究費補助金 基盤研究A「魚類エネルギー代謝制御因子の網羅的解析と制御法の確立」研究分担者,平成21-23年度
・平成22年度科学研究費補助金 若手研究B「魚類におけるアミノ酸代謝の制御機構に関する基礎研究」研究代表者,平成22-23年度
・平成24年度科学研究費補助金 基盤研究A「中枢神経ストレスが魚類のエネルギー代謝・免疫応答に及ぼす影響に関する研究」研究分担者,平成24-26年度
・平成25年度科学研究費補助金 若手研究B「エネルギー代謝が及ぼすストレス応答と骨格筋代謝とのネットワーク解明」研究代表者,平成25-29年度
・平成29年度学術研究助成基金 基盤研究C「魚類の生育温度依存的なマクロ栄養素嗜好性制御メカニズムの解明」研究代表者,平成29-31年度
・Anti-inflammatory effects of phytosteryl ferulates and their analogs.
東京海洋大学大学院海洋科学技術研究科応用生命科学専攻 博士研究員
東京海洋大学海洋科学部 食品生産科学科 助教
東京海洋大学海外在外研究員 Health Canada 訪問研究員
東京海洋大学大学院 海洋科学系 食品生産科学部門 助教
東京海洋大学 学術研究院 食品生産科学部門 助教
東京海洋大学 学術研究院 食品生産科学部門 准教授
Research for Determination Factors of Fish Life Span
Reiko Nagasaka. Anti-inflammatory effects of phytosteryl ferulates and their analogs. 20th IUBMB (International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) Congress, Young Scientist Award, 2006.6
Reiko Nagasaka, Physiological functions of phytosteryl ferulates, Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists and Molecular Biologists (FAOBMB) 2009 Shanghai Congress Young Scientist Award, 21st IUBMB and 12th FAOBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Shanghai, 2009. 8
榎本孝文,小澤沙紀,福島智美,星野由紀子,荻野和夫,木村清和,長阪玲子,潮秀樹,簡便な粒子画像流速測定法の開発,平成22年度 日本水産学会春季大会「高校生・中学生による研究発表会」,平成22年3月,銅賞受賞
米糠成分γーオリザノールの新たな生理活性機能とその利用,FOOD ACTION NIPPON 2010 入賞 東京海洋大学,平成23年2月1日,フード・アクション・ニッポン
平成28年度採択学長裁量経費大学改革・機能強化等推進事業 学長賞(優秀賞)「魚類の嗜好性制御メカニズムの解明」2019年12月
Janthira Kaewsrithong, Toshiaki Ohshima, Hideki Ushio, Reiko Nagasaka, Masashi Maita, Effect of an excess dose of dietary α-tocopherol on hydroperoxide accumulation in blood and osmotic fragility of sweet smelt, Plecoglossus altivelis (Temminck et Schlegel). Aquaculture Research, 32(1): 191-198, 2001
Reiko Nagasaka, Nobuaki Okamoto, Hideki Ushio, Partial oxidative-stress perturbs membrane permeability for energy molecules and membrane fluidity of fish nucleated red blood cells. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C, 139 (4): 259-266, 2004.
Reiko Nagasaka, Nobuaki Okamoto, Hideki Ushio, Effect of caloric restriction on post-spawning death of ayu. Experimental Gerontology, 40 (7): 556-561, 2005.
Chatchawan Chotimarkorn, Reiko Nagasaka, Hideki Ushio, Toshiaki Ohshima, Shigeki Matsunaga, Development of novel fluorescent probe 3-perylene diphenylphosphine for determination of lipid hydroperoxide with fluorescent image analysis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 338 (2): 1222-1228, 2005.
Reiko Nagasaka, Nobuaki Okamoto, Hideki Ushio, Increased leptin may be involved in the short life span of ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis). Journal of Experimental Zoology, 305 (6):507-512, 2006.
Reiko Nagasaka, Nobuaki Okamoto, Hideki Ushio, Elevated levels of oxidative DNA damage activate p53 and caspases in brain of ayu with aging. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 22 (5): 357-362, 2006.
Reiko Nagasaka, Chatchawan Chotimarkorn, Islam Md. Shafiqul, Masatoshi Hori, Hiroshi Ozaki Hideki Ushio, Anti-inflammatory effects of hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 358: 615-619, 2007.
内田麻子,大原和幸,長阪玲子,潮 秀樹, 糠漬け大根におけるγオリザノール含量, 日本調理科学会誌, 40(3): 184-188, 2007.
長阪玲子,篠田 明,潮 秀樹,大島敏明, 昆布に含まれるγオリザノール,日本水産学会誌,74 (1): 61-65, 2008.
MS Islam, Takahisa Murata, Masahiko Fujisawa, Reiko Nagasaka, Hideki Ushio, AM. Bari, Masatoshi Hori, Hiroshi Ozaki, Anti-inflammatory effects of phytosteryl ferulates in dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis in mice, British J. Pharmacol.154 (4): 812-24, 2008.
Kazuyuki Ohara, Asako Uchida, Reiko Nagasaka, Hideki Ushio, Toshiaki Ohshima, The effects of hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives on adiponectin secretion, Phytomedicine, 16 (2-3): 130-137, 2009.
Md. Shafiqul Islam, Hiroshi Yoshida, Naoaki Matsuki, Kenichiro Ono, Reiko Nagasaka, Hideki Ushio, Ying Guo, Toshiyuki Hiramatsu Takamitsu Hosoya, Takahisa Murata, Masatoshi Hori, Hiroshi Ozaki, Antioxidant, free radical scavenging and NF-κB inhibitory activities of phytosteryl ferulates: Structure-activity studies, Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 111, 328-337 (2009).
Tatsuya Oka, Masanori Fujimoto, Reiko Nagasaka, Hideki Ushio, Masatoshi Hori,Hiroshi Ozaki, Cycloartenyl ferulate, a component contained in γ-oryzanol derived from rice bran oil, attenuates mast cell degranulation, Phytomedicine, 17, 152-156 (2010).
Kazuyuki Ohara, Yuka Kiyotani, Asako Uchida, Reiko Nagasaka, Hiroyuki Maehara, Shigeharu Kanemoto, Masatoshi Hori, Hideki Ushio, Oral administration of γ-aminobutyric acid and γ-oryzanol prevents stress-induced hypoadiponectinemia, Phytomedicine, 18 (8-9): 669-671, Jun (2011).
Reiko Nagasaka, Tomoteru Yamsaki, Asako Uchida, Kazuyuki Ohara, Hideki Ushio, γ-Oryzanol recovers mouse hypoadiponectinemia induced by animal fat ingestion, Phytomedicine, 18 (8-9): 655-660, Jun (2011).
Nagasaka R, Kazama T, Ushio H, Sakamoto H, Sakamoto K, Satoh S. Accumulation of gamma-oryzanol in teleost. Fish. Sci. 2011; 77: 431-438.
Md Shafiqul Islam, Reiko Nagasaka, Kazuyuki Ohara, Takamitsu Hosoya, Hiroshi Ozaki, Hideki Ushio, Masatoshi Hori, Biological abilities of rice bran-derived antioxidant phytochemicals for medical therapy. Current Topics in Medical Chemistry, 2011;11 (14); 1847-1853.
Hidehiro Kondo, Ryota Suga, Satomitsu Suda, Reiko Nozaki, Ikuo Hirono, Reiko Nagasaka, Gen Kaneko, Hideki Ushio, Shugo Watabe Expressed sequence tag analysis on adipose tissue of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and tissue distribution of adiponectin, Gene,2011;485(1):40-45.
γ―オリザノールの添加がアスタキサンチン含有飼料によるブリ切り身の変色抑制作用に及ぼす影響,長阪玲子,風間貴充,潮 秀樹,坂本浩志,坂本憲一,日本水産学会誌,2011,77(6)1101-1104.
The Han Nguyen, Reiko Nagasaka and Toshiaki Ohshima, Effects of extracting solvents, cooking procedures and storage conditions on the contents of ergothioneine and phenolic compounds and antioxidative capacity of the cultivated mushroom, Flammulina velutipes. Int. J. Food Sci. Tech., 47(6), 1193–1205 (2012).
Hidehiro Kondo, Satomitsu Suda, Yuriko Kawana, Ikuo Hirono, Reiko Nagasaka, Gen Kaneko, Hideki Ushio and Shugo Watabe, Effects of feed restriction on the expression profiles of the glucose and fatty acid metabolism-related genes in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss muscle. Fisheries Science 78 (6):1205-1211(2012).
Yuna Han, Gen Kaneko, Reiko Nagasaka Hidehiro Kondo, Ikuo Hirono, Shin-Ichiro Takahashi, Shugo Watabe, Hideki Ushio, Distribution of adipocyte-related cells in skeletal muscle of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, Fisheries Science, January 2013, Volume 79, Issue 1, pp 143-148
Gen Kaneko, Toshihiro Yamada, Yuna Han, Yuki Hirano, Anurak Khieokhajonkhet, Hirohito Shirakami, Reiko Nagasaka, Hidehiro Kondo, Ikuo Hirono, Hideki Ushio, Shugo Watabe, Differences in lipid distribution and expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma and lipoprotein lipase genes in torafugu and red seabream, General and Comparative Endocrinology, Volume 184, 51-60.
Hideki Ushio and Reiko Nagasaka,Utilization of Biological Responses of Fish and Shellfish for Improving Seafood Qualities,Aqua-BioScience Monographs, 6 (3), 91-98, 2013.
Reiko Nagasaka, Claude Gagnon, Eleonora Swist, Isabelle Rondeau, Isabelle Massarelli, Winnie Cheung, Walisundera M.N. Ratnayake, EPA and DHA status of South Asian and White Canadians living in the National Capital Region of Canada, Lipids, 2014, 49, 1057-1069.
Reiko Nagasaka, Yuki Ishikawa, Takumi Inada, & Toshiaki Ohshima,Depigmenting Effect of Winter Medicinal Mushroom, Flammulna velutipes (Higher Basidiomycetes) on Melanoma Cells,International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms 2015, Vol. 17, Issue no. 6, 511-520.
Gen Kaneko, Hirohito Shirakami, Yuki Hirano, Moemi Oba, Hazuki Yoshinaga ,Anurak Khieokhajonkhet, Reiko Nagasaka, Hidehiro Kondo, Ikuo Hirono and Hideki Ushio, Diversity of lipid distribution in fish skeletal muscle, Zoological Science, 33(2):170-178. 2016 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.2108/zs150096
Atsuko Harigaya, Reiko Nagasaka, Toshiaki Ohshima, Roles of apoptosis and autophagy on the texture of red sea bream muscle, ISSN 2413-0877 Volume 1 (2015) KnE Life Sciences DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.18502/kls.v1i0.82 35-38
Chao-Wu Xiao, Carla M. Wood, Eleonora Swist, Reiko Nagasaka, Kurtis Sarafin, Claude Gagnon, Lois Fernandez, Sylvie Faucher, Hong-Xing Wu, Laura Kenney,Walisundera M.N. Ratnayake, Cardio-metabolic Disease Risks and Their Associations with Circulating 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Omega-3 levels in South Asian and White Canadians, PLoS ONE 11(1): e0147648, Published: January 25, 2016 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147648,
Jade Go Pahila, Hisayuki Kaneda, Reiko Nagasaka, Tomoyuki Koyama, Toshiaki. Ohshima (2017) Effects of ergothioneine-rich mushroom extracts on lipid oxidation and discoloration in salmon muscle stored at low temperatures, Food Chemistry, 233, 273–281. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.04.130.
Reiko Nagasaka, Atsuko Harigaya, Toshiaki Ohshima, Effect of proteolysis on meat quality of brand fish, red sea bream Pagrus major, Food Science and Technology Research, Vol.24No.3 465-473, 2018
R. Nagasaka, E. Swist, K. Sarafin, C. Gagnon, I. Rondeau, I. Massarelli, W. Cheung, P. Laffey, S.P.J. Brooks, W.M.N. Ratnayake, Low 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are more prevalent in Canadians of South Asian than European ancestry inhabiting the National Capital Region of Canada, PLoS ONE 13(12): e0207429, 2018
R. Nagasaka, H. Nakachi, Y. Onodera, Y. Ishikawa, T. Ohshima, Leptin promotes the fat preference associated with low-temperature acclimation in mice, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 84(6) 1250-1258, 2020.
[編集]東京大学 食の安全研究センター,「第Ⅱ編,第1章,米糠に含まれる有用な生体機能物質の探索」pp. 135-144. 尾崎博,堀正敏,潮秀樹,長阪玲子,ISBN978-4-7813-0200-3 C3047 2010年3月発行
“Novel Approach for Controlling Lipid Oxidation and Melanosis in Aquacultured Fish and Crustaceans: Application of Edible Mushroom (Flammulina velutipes) Extract In vivo”, A. B. Encarnacion, H. N. D. Bao, R. Nagasaka, T. Ohshima, In Aquaculture Book 1, (Muchlisin Z.A ed.) ISBN 978-953-307-974-5., 2012, 157-184.
“Plant-Derived Hydroxycinnamate Derivatives, Insulin Sensitivity, and Adiponectin: Implication for Diabetes Control.” H. Ushio, K. Ohara, R. Nagasaka, M. Hori, In: Bioactive Food as Dietary Interventions for Diabetes Chapter 14 (Elsevier) (Watson RR and Preedy VR eds), 2012, 145-156.
The Han Nguyen, Reiko Nagasaka, and Toshiaki Ohshima (2013) “Chapter 12, The Natural Antioxidant Ergothioneine Resources, Chemical Characterization, and Applications”, In Lipid Oxidation: Challenges in Food Systems (A. Logan, U. Nienaber, S. Pan ed.) AOCS press, Champaign, IL, pp. 381-415. Publication Date: April 30, 2013 | ISBN-10: 0983079161 | ISBN-13: 978-0983079163
Islam, Md. Shafiqul; Matsuki, Naoki; Nagasaka, Reiko; Ushio, Hideki; Hori, Masatoshi,Rice Bran Antioxidants in Health and Wellness, Wheat and Rice in Disease Prevention and Health: Benefits, Risks and Mechanisms of Whole Grains in Health Promotion, 443-451, 2014, Elsevier Chapter 34
長阪 玲子「日本食およびその素材の健康機能性開発」,第4章「貝・エビ・カニ」p159-168. シーエムシー出版,監修:矢澤一良 2016年5月20日発行 ISBNコード: 978-4-7813-1157-9
長阪玲子,大島敏明「発酵美容成分の開発」,第3章 抗シワ・美白・抗酸化機能(アンチエイジング機能) 「6. エルゴチオネイン」p145-153. シーエムシー出版,監修:尾関健二 2020年3月発行 ISBN:978-7-7813-1499-0 C3045