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UENO, Kimihiko
TEL 03-5463-0670
(学部) 海上安全工学Ⅱ
(大学院) 応用数理環境テクノロジー学
UENO, Kimihiko
北海道大学水産学部漁業学科 1992年3月卒業
北海道大学大学院修士課程漁業学専攻 1994年3月修了
博士(水産学:北海道大学 1997年)
・数理水産科学会会員 (理事)
UENO, Kimihiko
38 減衰項を伴う強制Mathieu 方程式のパラメータ推定,矢澤真樹,上野公彦,樊 春明,2013,
日本応用数理学会論文誌 第23巻2号,pp.307-324.
37 自己増殖型ラジアル基底関数ネットワークを用いた船体横揺れ運動の数値実験,上野公彦,樊 春明,2013,
日本応用数理学会論文誌 第23巻2号,pp.287-306.
36 Quasi-chaotic behaviors of narrow-band response of a non-deterministic resonant System -Application to analysis of ship motion in irregular seas, Kimihiko UENO and Chunming FAN, 2013.
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematic Vol.30, No.1,pp.203~225
35 GPS衛星の軌道予測に関する研究(肖 岑,樊 春明,高須知二,上野公彦,安田明生,2011)測位航法学会論文誌,第2号,
34 A Study on Long-Term Predicted Ephemeris for GPS Satellite(Cen XIAO,Chunming FAN, Tomoji TAKASU, Kimihiko UENO and Akio YASUDA ,2011)International Global Navigation Satellite Systems Society IGNSS Symposium 2011.
33 Comparative Study of Ocean Wave Height Estimation with Power Spectral Density Function by Three Methods(Haruki KAWAUCHIy, Kimihiko UENO, Chunming FANz and Rei HIRAOKAy,2009)Mathematical and Physical Fisheries Science,Vol.7,70-89.
32 Acquisition Scheme for a High Sensitivity Assisted GPS Receiver Considering Application Scenarios(Chunming Fan, Zhixing Liu, Shoichiro Asano, Kimihiko Ueno and Xing Qun Zhan,2009)Mathematical and Physical Fisheries Science,Vol.7,20-27.
31 From Frequency Analysis to Time-Frequency Analysis for Ship Roll Motion in Irregular Waves(Kimihiko UENO, Chunming FAN and Masao NEMOTO,2008)Mathematical and Physical Fisheries Science,Vol.6,68-88.
30 Evaluation of the Maximum Amplitude on Ship Roll Motion in Irregular Waves(Kimihiko UENO, Chunming FAN and Masao NEMOTO,2008)Mathematical and Physical Fisheries Science,Vol.6,102-121.
29 Estimation of Significant Wave Height for Small Boats in Tokyo Bay(K. UENO, S. YAMAGUCHI, H. MIZOGUCHI and S. TAKEDA,2005)Fisheries Engineering,41(3),195-200.
28 小型船のための東京湾における有義波高の推定(山口 繁, 武田誠一, 上野公彦, 王 莉莉,2005)日本航海学会論文集,112,339-344.
27 有義波高2m以下を対象とした東京湾における波浪スペクトル特性に関する研究(山口 繁, 武田誠一, 上野公彦, 王 莉莉,2005)水産工学,42(2),113-120.
26 An Approach by a Neural Network Model for the Estimation of the Rolling Motion on the Fishing Boat, Nobuo Kimura and Kimihiko Ueno, 2004) Mathematical and Physical Fisheries Science 2
25 Forecasting the Rolling Motion of Small Fishing Vessels for Scallop-Hanging Culture under Fishing Operation(N. KIMURA, K. AMAGAI, K. UENO, M. WADA and T. IWAMORI,2004)Fisheries Engineering,41(1),25-33.
24 太陽光発電設置に向けた日射強度評価のための最適なサンプリング周期の推定(酒井久治, 上野公彦,2004)水産工学,40(2),91-94.
23 複雑さの定量化に向けて:再構成軌道を用いた小型漁船の不規則波中横揺れの時系列解析を中心として(上野公彦,2004)水産工学,41(2),107-115.
22 "Estimation of Coefficient of the Equation of Nonlinear Roll Motion for Fishing Boats by Improved Energy Method and Genetic Algorithm(K.UENO, N.KIMURA, and K.AMAGAI,2003)Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (Official Journal of The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics),20,155-192.
21 舵とフィンを用いたハイブリッド減揺制御の実船への適用(武田誠一,上野公彦,林敏史,織田博行,兵頭孝司,福島裕之,2003)水産工学,40(1),47-54.
20 A Case Study of the Wave Characteristics in the Actual Sea during Typhoon(S.TAKEDA, K.UENO,S.YAMAGUCHI, R.HAGITA and K.UCHIDA,2003)水産工学,40(1),55-64.
19 Technical Characteristics of the Small Purse Seiner at the Selected sites of North Sulawesi Indonesia(K.W.A MASENGI, S. TAKEDA,K.UENO and H.V.D.IXCHElL,2001)The JSPS-DGHE International Seminar on Fisheries Science in Tropical Area ,10,100-104.
18 Study on the simple system for monitoring the motion of a small fishing boat(S.Takeda, M.K.Hossain, I.Y.Paransa, H.Sakai, K.Ueno and K.Satoh,2001)The JSPS-DGHE International Seminar on Fisheries Science in Tropical Area,10,110-112.
17 舵とフィンスタビライザによる保針と横揺れの制御(岩本才次,武田誠一,上野公彦,織田博行,神田雅光,兵藤孝司,2001)西部造船会会報,102,187-196.
16 Characteristics of Roll Motion for Small Fishing Boats(K.AMAGAI, K.UENO, and N.KIMURA,2000)Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability, Elsevier Science ,137-148.
15 予測結果に基づく不規則波中における小型漁船の横揺れ特性の考察(上野公彦, 水 光輝, Zhilang XING,武田誠一, 佐藤 要,2000)日本航海学会論文集,102,115-126.
14 Effectiveness of a Rudder Roll Stabilization System Applied to Small Fishing Boat: an Emprical Approch(S.TAKEDA, M.K.HOSSAIN,I.J.PARANSA,H.SAKAI, K.UENO and K.SATO,1999)Proceeding of the 3rd JSPS International Seminar Sustain able Fishing Technology in Asiatowards the 21st Century ,316-320.
13 Analyzing and Predicting Time Series Data of the Rolling Motion for a Small Boat in Irregular Sea(TAKEDA, MK.HOSSAIN, I.J.PARANSA, H.SAKAI, K.UENO, and K.SATOH,1999)The 3rd JSPS International Seminar Sustainable Fishing Technology in Asia towards the 21st Century ,312-315.
12 Improvement of Efficiency of Photo Voltaic Generating System Utilized on a Fishing Boat(S.TAKEDA, H.SAKAI, K.UENO, T.HATASHI, M.AHMAD and K.SATOH,1999)Fisheries Engineering, Vol.36, No.1,36(1),21-28.
11 簡易風波推定法の実海域への適用性について(武田誠一, 上野公彦, 酒井久治, 柿原利治, 佐藤 要,1999)水産工学pp.167-17,36(2),167-173.
10 Effectiveness of a Rudder Roll Stabilization System Applied to Small Fishing Boat: an Emprical Approch(S.TAKEDA, M.K.HOSSAIN,I.J.PARANSA,H.SAKAI, K.UENO and K.SATO,1999)Proceeding of the 3rd JSPS International Seminar Sustain able Fishing Technology in Asiatowards the 21st Century ,316-320.
9 相模湾で観測されたロランCのLOP歪み(柿原利治,宮本佳則,武田誠一,上野公彦,佐藤 要,1998)水産工学,34(3),263-270.
8 再構成軌道を用いた船体横揺れの非線形予測(上野公彦,酒井久治,武田誠一,柿原利治,佐藤 要,1998)水産工学,34(3),291-298.
7 動揺角に影響される減衰力を伴う小型漁船の横揺れの特徴(上野公彦,天下井清,木村暢夫,岩森利弘,1997)日本航海学会論文集,97,121-129.
6 A Study of the Safety of Small Fishing Boats for the Scallop Hanging Culture on Fishing Operations in Severe Condition(N.KIMURA, K.AMAGAI, and K.UENO,1997)The 6th International Conference on Stability of Ship and Ocean Vhicles,STAB97,247-257.
5 救命衣着用者の規則波中の運動について(天下井清,上野公彦,山岸明博,木村暢夫,1996)日本航海学会論文集,,94,35-42.
4 甲板上に自由水が存在する小型漁船の横揺れの特徴(上野公彦,天下井清,木村暢夫,岩森利弘,1996)日本航海学会論文集,,95,183-191.
3 小型漁船の横揺れ減衰の特徴と推定法について(上野公彦,天下井清,木村暢夫,岩森利弘,1995)日本航海学会論文集,,93,149-161.
2 大角度動揺するタンク内浅水の挙動についての実験と数値解析(上野公彦,天下井清,木村暢夫, 甫喜本司,1994)日本航海学会論文集,,90,201-213.
1 On the Practical Evaluation of Shallow Water Effect in Large Inclinations for Small Fishing Boats(K.AMAGAI, N.KIMURA, K.UENO,1994)The 5th International Conferenceon Stability of Ship and 1 OceanVhicles.
「Contemporary Ideaa on Ship Stability」Characteristics of Roll Motion for Small Fishing Boats,Kiyoshi AMAGAI, Kimihiko UENO and Nobuo KIMURA,Elsevier Science Ltd 2000 137〜148
UENO, Kimihiko