





















1 魚類繁殖生理学

2 魚類発生工学

3 魚卵を用いた動物工場の開発

















■平成24年度研究開発施設共用等促進費補助金 ナショナルバイオリソースプロジェクト:(平成24-26年)

■国家基幹研究開発推進事業 海洋資源利用促進技術開発プログラム 海洋生物資源確保技術高度化(平成23年10月-)



■BRAIN 独立行政法人 農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構 生物系特定産業技術研究支援センター(平成20-24年)











1 遺伝子組換え魚の水産への応用
2 魚の卵で薬を作る
3 一粒の細胞から魚を作る











東京水産大学水産学部水産養殖学科 1988年3月卒業
東京水産大学大学院水産学研究科博士後期課程資源育成学専攻 1993年3月修了


1993年4月 米国テキサス工科大学・農学部・博士研究員
1995年10月 東京水産大学・資源育成学科・助手
2001年 平成13年度日本水産学会奨励賞


水産学博士(東京水産大学 1993年)






■国際協力事業団 養殖コース講師(平成21年度まで)


■平成29年度日本農学賞.「代理親魚技法の構築とその応用に関する研究」 日本農学会. 2017年4月.

■読売農学賞.「代理親魚技法の構築とその応用に関する研究」 読売新聞グループ本社. 2017年4月.

■Best Oral Presentation Award ETW 2016.「Germ cell manipulation in fish」 19th European Testis Workshop. 2016年6月.

■平成26年度日本水産学会賞.「代理親魚技法の構築とその応用に関する研究」 (社)日本水産学会. 2015年3月.

■2010年度ゴールド・メダル賞.「生殖細胞の異種間移植による代理親魚養殖技術の実用化」 東京テクノフォーラム. 2010年4月.

■平成21年度日本水産学会論文賞.「Artificially induced tetraploid masu salmon have the ability to form primordial germ cells」 社団法人 日本水産学会. 2010年3月.

■ベストプレゼンテーション賞.「魚類生殖細胞の性:精原細胞から卵を作る」 第3回生殖研究ワークショップ. 2008年8月.

■日本学術振興会賞 JSPS PRIZE.「生殖細胞移植による新たな魚類養殖技法の開発」 独)日本学術振興会. 2007年3月.

■若手農林水産研究者表彰.「生殖細胞の異種間移植を利用した魚類養殖法」 農林水産技術会議. 2006年2月.

■マリンバイオテクノロジー学会賞岡見賞.「魚類生殖細胞を利用した新たな発生工学技術の開発」 (社)マリンバイオテクノロジー学会. 2005年5月.

■文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞.「始原生殖細胞を用いた新たな魚類発生工学技術の研究」 文部科学省. 2005年4月.

■マリンバイオテクノロジー学会賞論文賞. (社)マリンバイオテクノロジー学会. 2003年5月.

■日本農学進歩賞.「魚類の始原生殖細胞を利用した新たな発生工学技法の展開」 (財)農学会. 2002年11月.

■日本水産学会賞奨励賞.「魚類への外来遺伝子導入による新たな育種に関する研究」(社)日本水産学会. 2002年4月.










Masaomi Hamasaki, Yutaka Takeuchi, Ryosuke Yazawa, Souta Yoshikawa, Kazushi Kadomura, Toshiyuki Yamada, Kadoo Miyaki, Kiyoshi Kikuchi and Goro Yoshizaki. 2017.
Production of tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes offspring from triploid grass puffer Takifugu niphobles parents.
Marine Biotechnology in press.

Li Q, Fujii W, Naito K, Yoshizaki G. 2017.
Application of dead end-knockout zebrafish as recipients of germ cell transplantation.
Mol Reprod Dev. 84, 1100-1111.

Kensuke Ichida, Kazuyoshi Kise, Tetsuro Morita, Ryosuke Yazawa , Yutaka Takeuchi, Goro Yoshizaki. 2017.
Flow-cytometric enrichment of Pacific bluefin tuna type A spermatogonia based on light- scattering properties.
Theriogenology 101, 91-98.

Mana Sato, Makoto Hayashi, Goro Yoshizaki. 2017.
Stem cell activity of type A spermatogonia is seasonally regulated in rainbow trout.
Biol Reprod 96: 6, 1303-1316.

Seki S, Kusano K, Lee S, Iwasaki Y, Yagisawa M,Ishida M, Hiratsuka T, Sasado T, Naruse K, Yoshizaki G. 2017.
Production of the medaka derived from vitrified whole testes by germ cell transplantation.
Scientific Reports 7, 43185.

Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, Yutaka Takeuchi, Yasuko Ino, Junjie Wang, Gaku Iwata, Naoki Kabeya, Ryosuke Yazawa, Goro Yoshizaki. 2017.
Efficient production of donor-derived gametes from triploid recipients following intra-peritoneal germ cell transplantation into a marine teleost, Nibe croaker (Nibea mitsukurii).
Aquaculture 478, 35-47.

Yazawa R, Takeuchi Y, Satoh K, Machida Y, Amezawa K, Kabeya N, Yoshizaki G. 2017.
Spawning induction and seed production of Eastern little tuna, Euthynnus affinis (Cantor, 1849), in the post- and pre-spawning seasons by hormonal treatment in a semi-closed recirculation system with elevated temperature.
Aquaculture Research 48, 3472-3481.

R. Yazawa, Y. Takeuchi, K. Amezawa, K. Sato, G. Iwata, N. Kabeya, G. Yoshizaki. 2016.
GnRHa-induced spawning of the Eastern little tuna (Euthynnus affinis) in a 70-m3 land-based tank.
Aquaculture 442, 58-68.

N. Kabeya, Y. Takeuchi, R. Yazawa, Y. Haga, S. Satoh, G. Yoshizaki. 2016.
Transgenic modification of the n-3 HUFA biosynthetic pathway in nibe croaker larvae: improved DPA (docosapentaenoic acid; 22:5n-3) production.
Aquaculture Nutrition 22, 472-478.

Lee S, Katayama N, Yoshizaki G. 2016.
Generation of juvenile rainbow trout derived from cryopreserved whole ovaries by intraperitoneal transplantation of ovarian germ cells.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 478, 1478-1483.

Lee S, Iwasaki Y, Yoshizaki G. 2016.
Long-term (5 years) cryopreserved spermatogonia have high capacity to generate functional gametes via interspecies transplantation in salmonids.
Cryobiology 73, 286-290.

Boonanuntanasarn S, Bunlipatanon P, Ichida K, Yoohat K, Mengyu O, Detsathit S, Yazawa R, Yoshizaki G. 2016.
Characterization of a vasa homolog in the brown-marbled grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) and its expression in gonad and germ cells during larval development.
Fish Physiol Biochem. 42, 1621-1636.

Katayama N, Kume S, Hattori-Ihara S, Sadaie S, Hayashi M, Yoshizaki G.2016.
Germ Cell-Specific Excision of loxP-Flanked Transgenes in Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss.
Biol Reprod. 94: 79, 1-11.

Yoshizaki G, Takashiba K, Shimamori S, Fujinuma K, Shikina S, Okutsu T, Kume S, Hayashi M. 2016.
Production of germ cell-deficient salmonids by dead end gene knockdown, and their use as recipients for germ cell transplantation.
Mol Reprod Dev. 83, 298-311.

Lee S, Yoshizaki G. 2016.
Successful cryopreservation of spermatogonia in critically endangered Manchurian trout (Brachymystax lenok).
Cryobiology 72, 165-168.

Bar I, Dutney L, Lee P, Yazawa R, Yoshizaki G, Takeuchi Y, Cummins S, Elizur A. 2015.
Small-scale capture, transport and tank adaptation of live, medium-sized Scombrids using "Tuna Tubes".
Springerplus vol.4.

Tomonori Kuwada, Testsuya Tokuhara, Munetaka Shimizu, Goro Yoshizaki. 2015.
Body size is the primary regulator affecting commencement of smolting in amago salmon Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae.
Fisheries Science 82, 59-71.

Seungki Lee, Shinsuke Seki, Naoto Katayama & Goro Yoshizaki. 2015.
Production of viable trout offspring derived from frozen whole fish.
Scientific reports vol.5.

N Kabeya, Y Yamamoto, SF Cummins, A Elizur, R Yazawa, Y Takeuchi, Y Haga, S Satoh, G Yoshizaki. 2015.
Polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism in a marine teleost, Nibe croaker Nibea mitsukurii: Functional characterization of Fads2 desaturase and Elovl5 and Elovl4 elongases.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B:
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 188, 37-45.

Tetsuro Morita, Kagayaki Morishima, Misako Miwa, Naoki Kumakura, Satomi Kudo, Kensuke Ichida, Toru Mitsuboshi, Yutaka Takeuchi, and Goro Yoshizaki. 2015.
Functional sperm of the yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata) were produced in the small-bodied surrogate, jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus)
Marine Biotechnology 17, 644-654.

Ido Bar, Andre, Smith, Erin Bubner, Goro Yoshizaki, Yutaka Takeuchi, Ryosuke Yazawa, Ben Nan Chen, cott Cummins, Abigail Elizur. 2015.
Assessment of yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) as a surrogate host for the production of Southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) seed via spermatogonial germ cell transplantation.
Reproduction,Fertility and Development 28, 2051-2064.

Ryosuke Yazawa, Yutaka Takeuchi, Kenta Satoh, Yuri Machida, Kotaro Amezawa, Naoki Kabeya, Yukinori Shimada, Goro Yoshizaki. 2015.
Eastern little tuna, Euthynnus affinis (Cantor, 1849) mature and reproduce within 1 year of rearing in land-based tanks.
Aquaculture Research 47, 3800-3810.

T. Okutsu, S. Shikina, T. Sakamoto, M. Mochizuki, and *G. Yoshizaki. 2015.
Successful production of functional Y eggs derived from spermatogonia transplanted into female recipients and subsequent production of YY supermales in rainbowtrout, Oncorhynchus mykiss.
Aquaculture 446, 298-302.

JA. Fernandez, EJ. Bubner, Y. Takeuchi, *G. Yoshizaki, T. Wang, SF. Cummins, A. Elizur. 2015.
Primordial germ cell migration in the yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) and identification of stromal cell-derived factor 1.
Gen Comp Endocrinol. 213, 16-23.

R. Yazawa, Y. Takeuchi, K. Amezawa, K. Sato, G. Iwata, N. Kabeya, *G. Yoshizaki. 2015.
GnRHa-induced spawning of the Eastern little tuna (Euthynnus affinis) in a 70-m3 land-based tank.
Aquaculture 442, 58-68.

S. Boonanuntanasarn, A. Jangprai, *G. Yoshizaki. 2015.
Characterization of proopiomelanocortin in the snakeskin gourami (Trichopodus pectoralis) and its expression in relation to food intake.
Domest Anim Endocrinol. 50, 1-13.

N Kabeya, Y Takeuchi, R Yazawa, Y Haga, S Satoh, G Yoshizaki. 2015.
Transgenic modification of the n-3 HUFA biosynthetic pathway in nibe croaker larvae: improved DPA (docosapentaenoic acid; 22:5n-3) production.
Aquaculture Nutrition 22, 472-478.

S Kume, N Katayama, K Ichida, S Hattori-Ihara, K Nagasawa, G Yoshizaki. 2014.
Transgene manipulation in rainbow trout using Cre recombinase.
Fisheries Science 80, 767-773.

M Hayashi, M Sato, Y Nagasaka, S Sadaie, S Kobayashi, G Yoshizaki. 2014.
Enrichment of Spermatogonial Stem Cells Using Side Population in Teleost.
Biol Reprod. 91, 1-8.

S. Nakajima, M. Hayashi, T. Kouguchi, K. Yamaguchi, M. Miwa, G. Yoshizaki. 2014.
Expression patterns of gdnf and gfra1 in rainbow trout testis
Gene Expression Patterns 14, 111-120.

W. Makkapan, G. Yoshizaki, M. Tashiro, W. Chotigeat. 2014.
Expression profile of ribosomal protein L10a throughout gonadal development
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 40, 1069-1081.

M. Sato, T. Morita, N. Katayama, G. Yoshizaki. 2014.
Production of genetically diversified fish seeds using spermatogonial transplantation
Aquaculture 422-423, 218-224

N. Kabeya, Y. Takeuchi, Y. Yamamoto, R. Yazawa, Y. Haga, S. Satoh, G. Yoshizaki. 2014.
Modification of the n-3 HUFA biosynthetic pathway by transgenesis in a marine teleost, nibe croaker.
Journal of Biotechnology 172,46-54

R. Farlora, S. Hattori-Ihara, Y. Takeuchi, M. Hayashi, A. Octavera, Alimuddin, G. Yoshizaki. 2013.
Intraperitoneal germ cell transplantation in the nile tilapia oreochromis niloticus.
Marine Biotechnology 16, 309-320.

R. Yazawa, Y. Takeuchi, T. Morita, M. Ishida, G. Yoshizaki. 2013.
The pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) dead end gene is suitable as a specific molecular marker of type A spermatogonia.
Molecular Reproduction and Development 871-880.

S. Shikina, K. Nagasawa, M. Hayashi, M. Furuya, Y. Iwasaki, and G. Yoshizaki. 2013.
Short-term in vitro culturing improves transplantability of type A spermatogonia in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
Molecular Reproduction and Development 80, 763-773.

S. Lee, Y. Iwasaki, S. Shikina, G. Yoshizaki. 2013.
Generation of functional eggs and sperm from cryopreserved whole testes.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesof the United States of America 110, 1640-1645.

M. Hamasaki, Y. Takeuchi, K. Miyaki, G. Yoshizaki. 2013.
Gonadal development and fertility of triploid grass puffer Takifugu niphobles induced by cold shock treatment.
Marine Biotechnology 15, 133-144.

K. Nagasawa, JM. Fernandes, G. Yoshizaki, M. Miwa, I. Babiak. 2013.
Identification and migration of primordial germ cells in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar: Characterization of vasa, dead end, and lymphocyte antigen 75 genes.
Molecular Reproduction and Development 80, 118-131.

SMSN. Lacerda, GMJ. Costa, PHA. Campos-Junior, TM. Segatelli, R. Yazawa, Y. Takeuchi, T. Morita, G. Yoshizaki, LR. Franca.
Germ Cell Transplantation as a Potential Biotechnological Approach to Fish Reproduction
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 39, 3-11.

M. Hamasaki, Y. Takeuchi, K. Miyaki, G. Yoshizaki. 2013.
Gonadal Development and Fertility of Triploid Grass Puffer Takifugu niphobles Induced by Cold Shock Treatment.
Mar. Biotechnol. Vol.15(2),133-144.

K. Nagasawa, J.M. Fernandes, G. Yoshizaki, M. Miwa, I. Babiak. 2013.
Identification and migration of primordial germ cells in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar: Characterization of vasa, dead end, and lymphocyte antigen 75 genes.
Mol Reprod Dev. Vol.80(2), 118-131.

M. Hayashi, M. Sato, Y. Iwasaki, M. Terasawa, M. Tashiro, S. Yokoyama, N. Katayama, S. Sadaie, M. Miwa, G. Yoshizaki. 2012.
Combining next-generation sequencing with microarray for transcriptome analysis in rainbow trout gonads.
Mol. Reprod. Dev. Vol.79, 870-878.

K. Tsukamoto, F. Miura, N.T. Fujito, G. Yoshizaki, and M. Nonaka. 2012.
Long-lived dichotomous lineages of the proteasome subunit beta type 8 (PSMB8) gene surviving more than 500 million years as alleles or paralogs.
Molecular Biology and Evolution Vol.29, 3071-3079.

H. Endo, T. Muramatsu, G. Yoshizaki, H. Ren, H. Ohnuki. 2012.
Development of a label-free immunosensor system for detecting oocyte maturation-inducing hormone in fish.
Fish. Sci. Vol.78, 391-398.

K. Kise, H. Yoshikawa, M. Sato, M. Tashiro, R. Yazawa, Y. Takeuchi, and G. Yoshizaki. 2012.
Flow-cytometric isolation and enrichment of teleost type-A spermatogonia based on light-scattering properties.
Biology of Reproduction Vol. 86(4):107.

T. Morita, N. Kumakura, K. Morishima, T. Mitsuboshi, M. Ishida, T. Hara, S. Kudo, M. Miwa, S. Ihara, K. Higuchi, Y. Takeuchi, and G. Yoshzaki.
Production of donor-derived offspring by allogeneic transplantation of spermatogonia in the yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata).
Biology of Reproduction Vol.86(6):176, 1-11.

K. Nagasawa, M. Miwa, R. Yazawa, T. Morita, Y. Takeuchi, and G. Yoshizaki. 2012.
Characterization of lymphocyte antigen 75 (Ly75/CD205) as a potential cell-surface marker on spermatogonia in Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis.
Fish. Sci. Vol.78, 791-800.

SMSN. Lacerda, GMJ. Costa, PHA. Campos-Junior, TM. Segatelli, R. Yazawa, Y. Takeuchi, T. Morita, G. Yoshizaki, LR. França.
Germ Cell Transplantation as a Potential Biotechnological Approach to Fish Reproduction.
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry in press.

J. Aizen, M. Kobayashi, I. Selicharova, YC Sohn, G. Yoshizaki, B. Levavi-Sivan. 2012.
Steroidogenic response of carp ovaries to piscine FSH and LH depends on the reproductive phase.
Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. Vol. 178, 28-36.

G. Yoshizaki, T. Okutsu, T. Morita, M. Terasawa, R. Yazawa, and Y. Takeuchi. 2012.
Biological characteristics of fish germ cells and their application to developmental biotechnology.
Reproduction in Domestic Animals Vol.47, Suppl.4, 187-192.

N. Phumyu, S. Boonanuntanasarn, A. Jangpria, G. Yoshizaki, U. Na-Nakorn. 2012.
Pubertal effects of 17α-methyltestosterone on GH-IGF-related genes of the hypothalamic-pituitary-liver-gonadal axis and other biological parameters in male, female and sex-reversed Nile tilapia.
Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. Vol.177, 278-292.

S. Booanuntanasarn, A. Jangprai, G. Yoshizaki. 2012.
Characterization of neuropeptide Y in snakeskin gourami and the change in its expression due to feeding status and melanocortin 4 receptor expression.
Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. Vol.179, 184-195.

G. Yoshizaki, K. Fujinuma, Y. Iwasaki, T. Okutsu,S. Shikina, R. Yazawa, Y. Takeuchi. 2011.
Spermatogonial transplantation in fish: a novel method for the preservation of genetic resources.
Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part D Genomics Proteomics. Vol.6,55-61.

K. Higuchi, Y. Takeuchi, M. Miwa, Y. Yamamoto, K. Tsunemoto, G. Yoshizaki. 2011.
Colonization, proliferation, and survival of intraperitoneally transplanted yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata spermatogonia in nibe croaker Nibea Mitsukurii recipient.
Fish. Sci. Vol.77,69-77.

Nagler JJ, Cavileer T, Hunter S, Drew R, Okutsu T, Sakamoto T, Yoshizaki G. 2011.
Non-sex specific genes associated with the secondary mitotic period of primordial germ cell proliferation in the gonads of embryonic rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
Mol. Reprod. Dev. Vol.78,181-187.

森田哲朗・吉崎悟朗. 2011.
ニジマス初期胚を利用したヒトα1-アンチトリプシンの生産. 水産育種 Vol.40,113-120.

Md. Al-Amin Sarker, Y. Yamamoto, Y. Haga, Md. Shah Alam Sarker, M. Miwa, G. Yoshizaki and S. Satoh. 2011.
Influences of low salinity and dietary fatty acids on fatty acid composition and fatty acid desaturase and elongase expression in red sea bream Pagrus major.
Fish. Sci. Vol.77, 385-396.

R. Yazawa, Y. Takeuchi, K. Higuchi, T. Yatabe, N. Kabeya, and G. Yoshizaki. 2010.
Chub mackerel gonads support colonization, survival, and proliferation of intraperitoneally transplanted xenogenic germ cells. Biology of Reproduction Vol.82,896-904.

Y. Yamamoto, N. Kabeya, Y. Takeuchi, Alimuddin, Y. Haga S. Satoh, T. Takeuchi, G. Yoshizaki. 2010.
Cloning and nutritional regulation of polyunsaturated fatty acid desaturase and elongase of the marine teleost nibe croaker, Nibea mitsukurii.
Fisheries Science Vol.76,463-472.

M. Kobayashi, Y. Hayakawa, W. Park, A. Banba, G. Yoshizaki, K. Kumamaru, H. Kagawa, H. Kaki, H. Nagaya, YC. Sohn. 2010.
Production of recombinant Japanese eel gonadotropins by baculovirus in silkworm larvae.
Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. Vol.167,379-386.

G. Yoshizaki, M. Ichikawa, M. Hayashi, Y. Iwasaki, M. Miwa, S. Shikina, and T. Okutsu. 2010.
Sexual plasticity of ovarian germ cells in rainbow trout.
Development Vol.137,1227-1230.

壁谷尚樹・奥津智之・矢澤良輔・樋口健太郎・長澤一衛・三森亮介・中田久・濱崎将臣・竹内裕・吉崎悟朗. 2010.
サバ科魚類vasa cDNAのクローニングおよびその配列多型を利用したPCRによるクロマグロ生殖細胞検出系の構築.
水産育種 Vol.39, 115-126.

S. Shikina, G. Yoshizaki. 2010.
Improved in vitro-culture conditions to enhance the survival, mitotic activity and transplantability of rainbow trout type A spermatogonia. Biol. Reprod. Vol.83,268-276.

K. Nagasawa, S. Shikina, Y. Takeuchi, G. Yoshizaki. 2010.
Lymphocyte antigen 75 (Ly75/CD205) is a surface marker on mitotic germ cells in rainbow trout.
Biol. Reprod. Vol.83,597-606.

Obata M, Sano N, Kimata S, Nagasawa K, Yoshizaki G, Komaru A. 2010.
The proliferation and migration of immature germ cells in the mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis: observation of the expression pattern in the M.galloprovincialis vasa-like gene (Myvlg) by in situ hybridization.
Dev. Genes. Evol. Vol.220, 139-149.

Shinoda T, Miranda LA, Okuma K, Hattori RS, Fernandino JI, Yoshizaki G, Somoza GM, Strüssmann CA. 2010.
Molecular cloning and expression analysis of Fshr and Lhr in relation to Fshb and Lhb subunits during the period of temperature-dependent sex determination in pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis.
Mol. Reprod. Dev. Vol.77,521-532.

G. Yoshizaki, T. Okutsu, M. Ichikawa, M. Hayashi and Y. Takeuchi. 2010.
Sexual plasticity of rainbow trout germ cells.
Animal Reproduction Vol.7,187-196.

T. Okutsu, B.J. Kang, M. Miwa, G. Yoshizaki and Y. Maeno, M.N. Wilder. 2010.
Molecular cloning and characterization of Dmc1, a gene involved in gametogenesis, from the whiteleg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei.
Fish. Sci. Vol.76,961-969.

S. Boonanuntanasarn, S. Panyim, G. Yoshizaki. 2009.
Usage pf putative zebrafish U6 promotors to express shRNA in Nile tilapia and shrimp cell extracts
Transgenic Research. Vol.18,323-325.

K. Nagasawa, Y. Takeuchi, M. Miwa, K. Higuchi, T. Morita, T. Mitsuboshi, K. Miyaki, K. Kadomura, G. Yoshizaki. 2009.
cDNA cloning and expression analysis of vasa-like gene in pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientails.
Fisheries Science Vol.75, 71-79.

A. Yano, K. von Schalburg, G. Cooper, BF. Koop, G. Yoshizaki. 2009.
Identification of a molecular marker for type A spermatogonia by microarray analysis using gonadal cells from pvasa-GFP transgenic rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
Mol. Reprod. Dev. Vol.76, No.3, 246-254

Y.Yamamoto and G.Yoshizaki. 2008.
Heterologous gap junctions between granulosa cells and oocytes in Ayu(Plecoglossus altivelis): Formation and role during luteinizing hormone-dependent acquisition of oocyte maturational competence.
Journal of Reproduction and Development Vol.54, No.1, 1-5

奥津智之・小林輝正・竹内裕・吉崎悟朗. 2008.
水産育種 Vol.37, 29-36.

S.Shikina, S.Ihara, G.Yoshizaki. 2008.
Culture conditions for maintaining survival and mitotic activity of rainbow trout transplantable A-type spermatogonia.
Molecular Reproduction and Development. Vol.75,529-537.

Hayakawa, Y., Morita, T., Kitamura, W., Matsumoto, S., Banba, A., Nagaya, H., Komei Hotta, K., Sohn, Y.C., Yoshizaki, G., & Kobayashi, M. 2008.
Biological activities of single-chain goldfish follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone.
Aquaculture. Vol.274,408-415.

Y.Yamamoto, G.Yoshizaki, T.Takeuchi, K.Soyano, R.Patiño. 2008.
Role of Gap Junctions and Protein Kinase A during the Development of Oocyte Maturational Competence in Ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis)
General and Comparative Endocrinology. Vol.155,789-795.

A.Yano, K.Suzuki, G.Yoshizaki. 2007.
Flow-Cytometric Isolation of Testicular Germ Cells from Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Carrying the Green Fluorescent Protein Gene Driven by Trout vasa Regulatory Regions.
Biology of reproduction. Biology of Reproduction.78,151-158.

T.Okutsu, S.Shikina, M.Kanno, Y.Takeuchi, G.Yoshizaki. 2007.
Production of trout offspring from triploid salmon parents.
Science Vol.317,1517.

Y.Yamamoto, G.Yoshizaki,T.Takeuchi,K.Soyano,F.Itoh,and R.Patino. 2007.
Differential expression and localization of four connexins in the ovary of the ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis).
Mol.Reprod.Develop. Vol.74,1113-1123.

Alimuddin, G.Yoshizaki, V.Kiron, .Satoh, and T.Takeuchi. 2007.
Expression of masu salmon Δ5-desaturase-like gene elevated of EPA and DHA biosynthesis in zebrafish.
Mar. Biotechnol. Vol.9,92-100.

E.Sawatari, S.Shikina, T.Takeuchi, and G.Yoshizaki. 2007.
A novel transforming growth factor- β superfamily member expressed in gobadal somatic cells enhances primordial germ cell and spermatogonial preliferation in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
Develop. Biol. Vol.301,266-275.
大森克徳, 遠藤雅人, 吉崎悟朗, 竹内俊郎. 2006.
Eco-Engineering  Vol.18(1),9-14.

大森克徳, 遠藤雅人, 吉崎悟朗, 竹内俊郎. 2006.
飼育水の塩類組成がティラピア仔魚Oreochromis niloticus の飼育に与える影響.
Eco-Engineering  Vol.18(1),27-30.

Kobayashi, T., Takeuchi, Y., Takeuchi, T., Yoshizaki, G. 2006.
Generation of viable fish from cryopreserved primordial germ cells. Molecular Reproduction and Development Vol.74,207-213.

Yamasaki, I., Yoshizaki, G., Yokota, M., Strussmann, C., Watanabe, S. 2006.
Mitochondrial DNA variation and population structure of the Japanese mitten crab.
Fisheries Science. Vol.72,299-309.

Kobayashi, M., Morita, T., Ikeguchi, K., Yoshizaki, G., Suzuki, T., Watabe, S. 2006.
in vivo biological activity of recombinant goldfish gonadtropins produced by baculovirus in silkworm larvae.
Aquaculture  Vol.256,433-442.

Okutsu, T., Yano, A., Nagasawa, K., Shikina, S., Kobayashi,T., Takeuchi, Y., Yoshizaki, G. 2006. Manipulation of fish germ cell: visualization, cryopreservation and transplantation. Journal of Reproduction and Development Vol.52,685-693.

Okubo K, Sakai F, Lau EL, Yoshizaki G, Takeuchi Y, Naruse K, Aida K, Nagahama Y. 2006.
Forebrain gonadotropin-releasing hormone neuronal development: insights from transgenic medaka and the relevance to X-linked Kallmann syndrome.
Endocrinology Vol.147,1076-1084.

Okutsu, T., Suzuki, K., Takeuchi, Y., Takeuchi, T., Yoshizaki, G. 2006.
Testicular germ cells can colonize sexually undifferentiated embryonic gonad and produce functional eggs in fish.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Vol.103,2725-2729.

Yoshizaki, G., Tago, Y., Takeuchi, Y., Sawatari, E., Kobayashi, T., Takeuchi, T. 2005.
Green fluorescent protein labeling of primordial germ cells using a nontransgenic method and its application for germ cell transplantation in Salmonidae.
Biology of Reproduction. Vol.73,88-93.

Alimuddin, G.Yoshizaki, V.Kiron, S.Satoh, and T.Takeuchi. 2005.
Enhancement of EPA and DHA biosynthesis by over-expression of masu salmon Δ6-desaturase-like gene in zebrafish.
Transgenic Res. Vol.14,159-165.

A.K.Biswas, T.Morita, G.Yoshizaki, M.Maita, and T.Takeuchi. 2005.
Control of reproduction in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.) by photoperiod manipulation. Aquaculture. Vol.243(1-4),229-239.

S.Boonanuntanasan, T.Takeuchi, and G.Yoshizaki. 2005.
High-efficiency gene knockdown using chimeric ribozymes in fish embryos.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.  Vol.336,438-443.

S.Boonanuntanasan, G.Yoshizaki, K.Iwai, and T.Takeuchi. 2004.
Molecular cloning, gene expression in albino mutants and gene knockdown studies of tyrosinase mRNA in rainbow trout.
Pigment Cell Res.  Vol.17,413-421.

T.Morita, G.Yoshizaki, M.Kobayashi, S.Watabe, and T.Takeuchi. 2004.
Fish egg as bioreactors:the production of bioactive luteinizing hormone in transgenic trout embryos.
Transgenic Res. Vol.13,551-557.

Takeuchi, Y., Yoshizaki, G., Takeuchi, T. 2004.
Surrogate broodstock produces salmonids.
Nature Vol.430,629-630.

Cardinali, M., Gioacchini, G., Candiani, S., Pestarino, M., Yoshizaki, G., Carnevali, O. 2004. Hormonal regulation of vasa-like gene mRNA expression in the ovary of the marine teleost Sparus aurata.
Biol. Reprod. Vol.70,737-743.

A.K.Biswas, M.Maita, G.Yoshizaki, and T.Takeuchi. 2004.
Physiological responses in Nile tilapia exposed to different photoperiod regimes.
J.Fish Biol.  Vol.65,811-821.

Kobayashi, T., Yoshizaki, G., Takeuchi, Y., and Takeuchi, T. 2004.
Isolation of highly pure and viable primordial germ cells from rainbow trout by GFP-dependent flow cytometry.
Molecular Reproduction and Development Vol.67,91-100.

Kobayashi, T., Takeuchi, Y., Yoshizaki, G., and Takeuchi, T. 2003.
Cryopreservation of trout primordial germ cells: a novel technique for preservation of fish genetic resources.
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. Vol.28,479-480.

Morita, T., Yoshizaki, G., Kobayashi, M., and Takeuchi, T. 2003.
Production of biologically-acitve recombinant goldfish gonadotropins in transgenic rainbow trout. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. Vol.28,473-474.

M. Kobayashi, T. Morita, K. Ikeguchi, G. Yoshizaki, T. Suzuki and S. Watabe. 2003.
Production of recombinant goldfish gonadotropins by baculovirus in silkworm larvae.
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry Vol.28,469-471.

S.Boonanuntanasarn, G.Yoshizaki, and T.Takeuchi. 2003.
Specific gene silencing using samall interfering RNAs in fish embryos.
Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun. Vol.310,1089-1095.

Patino,R., Yoshizaki,G., Bolamba,D., and Thomas, P. 2003.
Role of arachidonic acid and protein kinase C during maturation-inducing hormone-dependent meiotic resumption and ovulation in ovarian follicles of Atlantic croaker.
Biology of Reproduction. Vol.68,516-523.

Takeuchi, Y., Yoshizaki, G., and Takeuchi, T. 2003.
Generation of live fry from intra-peritoneally transplanted primordial germ cells in rainbow trout.
Biology of Reproduction Vol.69,1142-1149.

Bolamba, D., Patino, R., Yoshizaki, G., and Thomas, P. 2003.
Changes in homologous and heterologous gap junction contacts during maturation-inducing hormone-dependent meiotic resumption in ovarian follicles of Atlantic croaker.
General and Comparative Endocrinology Vol.131,291-295.

T.Takeuchi, J.Lu, G.Yoshizaki, and S.Satoh. 2002.
Effect on the growth and body composition of juvenile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus fed raw Spirulina.
Fisheries Science. Vol.68,34-40.

J.Lu, G.Yoshizaki, K.Sakai, and T.Takeuchi. 2002.
Acceptability of raw Spirulina platensis by larval tilapia Oreochromis niloticus.
Fisheries Science. Vol.68,51-58.

遠藤雅人・吉崎悟朗・竹内俊郎. 2002.
Eco-Engineering. 14,13-18.

Boonanuntanasarn, S., Yoshizaki, G., Takeuchi, Y., Morita, T., and Takeuchi, T. 2002.
Gene knock-down in rainbow trout embryos using antisense morpholino phosphorodiamidate oligonucleotides.
Marine Biotechnology. Vol.4,256-266.

小林龍太郎・遠藤雅人・吉崎悟朗・竹内俊郎. 2002.
日本水産学会誌. Vol.68,646-651.

Takeuchi, Y., Yoshizaki, G., Kobayashi, T., and Takeuchi, T. 2002.
Mass isolation of primordial germ cells from transgenic rainbow trout carrying the GFP gene driven by the vasa gene promoter.
Biology of Reproduction Vol.67,1087-1092.

Yoshizaki, G., Takeuchi, Y., Tominaga, H., Kobayashi, T., and Takeuchi, T. 2002.
Visualization of primordial germ cells in transgenic rainbow trout carrying green fluorescent protein gene driven by vasa promoter.
Fisheries Science Vol.

Endo, M., Hotta, K., Yoshizaki, G., Ohmori, K., and Takeuchi, T. 2002.
Nitrogen and mineral budgets in a simple freshwater live food production system.
Fisheries Science Vol.68 supplement 1,1010-1011.

Yoshizaki, G., Takeuchi, Y., Kobayashi, T., Ihara, S., and Takeuchi, T. 2002.
Primordial germ cells: the blueprint for a piscine life.
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry Vol.26,3-12.

Cardinali, M., Mancini, M., Polzonetti-Magni, M., Yoshizaki, G., and Carnevali, O. 2001.
Cloning, characterization and expression of vasa-like gene in the gilthead sea bream.
Perspective in Comparative Endocrinology. 197-203.

Hatano, J., Asahina, K., Yoshizaki, G., Sudrajat, O., and Aida, K. 2001.
Cloning and sequence of cDNA encoding P-450 aromatase from the ovaries of ice goby, and mRNA expression of P-450 aromatase during oocyte development.
Perspective in Comparative Endocrinology. 1109-1114.

Miwa, T., Yoshizaki, G., Naka, H., Nakatani, M., Sakai, K., Kobayashi, M., and Takeuchi, T. 2001. Ovarian steroid synthesis during oocyte maturation and ovulation in Japanese catfish.
Aquaculture Vol.198,179-191.

Patino, R., Yoshizaki, G., Thomas, P., and Kagawa, H. 2001.
Gonadotropic control of ovarian follicle maturation: the two-stage concept and its mechanisms. Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry B. Vol.129,427-439.

Nakamura K, Ozaki A, Akutsu T, Iwai K, Sakamoto T, Yoshizaki G, Okamoto N. 2001.
Genetic mapping of the dominant albino locus in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Molecular Genetics and Genomics. Vol.265,687-693.

Ota, M., Saito, T., Yoshizaki, G., and Otsuki, A. 2001.
Vitellogenin-like gene expression in liver of male zebrafish (Danio rerio) by 1 M 3-methylcholanthrene treatment: the possibility of a rapid and sensitive in vivo bioassay.
Water Research. Vol.34,2400-2403.

Melton, C. M., Zaunbrecher, G. M., Yoshizaki, G., Patino, R., Whisnant, C. S., Rendon, R., and Lee, V. H. 2001.
Expression of connexin 43 mRNA and protein in developing follicles of prepubertal porcine ovaries. Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry B Vol.130,43-55.

Takeuchi, Y., Yoshizaki, G., and Takeuchi, T. 2001.
Production of germ-line chimeras in rainbow trout by blastomere transplantation. Molecular Reproduction and Development Vol.59,380-389.

Vassallo-Agius, R., Watanabe, T., Yoshizaki, G., Satoh, S., and Takeuchi, Y. 2001.
Spawning performance of rainbow trout fed an n-3 EFA deficient diet and its effects on the lipid and fatty acid components of eggs, milt, and livers.
Fisheries Science  Vol.67,818-827.

Yoshizaki, G., Shusa, M., Takeuchi, T., and Patino, R. 2001.
Gonadotropin-dependent oocyte maturational competence requires activation of the protein kinase A pathway and synthesis of RNA and protein in ovarian follicles of Nibe, Nibea mitsukurii (Teleostei, Sciaenidae).
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry Vol.25,201-208.

Yoshizaki, G., Patino, R., Thomas, P., Bolamba, D., and Chang, X. 2001.
Effects of maturation-inducing hormone on heterologous gap junctional coupling in ovarian follicles of Atlantic croaker.
General and Comparative Endocrinology. Vol.124,359-366.

Gao, T., X. Zhang, G. Yoshizaki, and S. Watanabe. 2000.
Study on mitochondrial DNA sequences of Japanese mitten crab, Eriocheir japonica II. 12S rRNA. Journal of Ocean University of Qindao. Vol.30,43-47.    

Yoshizaki, G., Sakatani, S., Tominaga, H., Takeuchi, Y., and Takeuchi, T. 2000.
Isolation and characterization of rainbow trout vasa-like gene and its application to primordial germ cell’s marker.
Proc. 6th. Intl. Symp. Reprod. Physiol. Fish 260.

Yoshizaki, G., Jin, W., Patino, R., Thomas, P., and Janecek, L. 2000.
Structural organization of the Atlantic croaker connexin 32.2 gene and its 5' flanking region. Marine Biotechnology. Vol.2,154-160.

Yoshizaki, G., Takeuchi, Y., Sakatani, S., and Takeuchi, T. 2000.
Germ cell-specific expression of green fluorescent protein in transgenic rainbow trout under control of the rainbow trout vasa-like gene promoter.
International Journal of Developmental Biology Vol.44,323-326.

Yoshizaki, G., Sakatani, S., Tominaga, H., and Takeuchi, T. 2000.
Cloning and characterization of a vasa-like gene in rainbow trout and its expression in the germ cell lineage.
Molecular Reproduction and Development Vol.55,364-371.

大森克徳, 小粥久美子, 陸 君,吉崎 悟朗, 竹内俊郎, 小口美津夫, 中島 厚. 2000.
食物連鎖を簡略化したティラピアOreochromis niloticus の養殖システムに関する研究.
CELSS学会誌 Vol.13,13-17.

遠藤雅人 ,竹内俊郎, 吉崎悟朗, 佐藤秀一, 大森克徳, 小口美津夫, 中島 厚. 2000.
閉鎖生態系循環式養殖システム(CERAS)の開発に関する研究 VI.密閉式魚類飼育装置を用いたティラピア長期飼育時におけるリンの形態とミネラル収支.
CELSS学会誌. 13,19-26.

竹内俊郎, 遠藤雅人, 小林龍太郎, 有賀恭子, 吉崎悟朗, 坂本隆幸, 神吉良二. 2000.
閉鎖生態系循環式養殖システム(CERAS)の開発に関する研究 VII.小重力(low G)が及ぼすティラピア遊泳行動への影響. CELSS学会誌 13,27.32.

Gao, T., G. Yoshizaki, and S. Watanabe. 2000.
Study on partial sequences of mitochondrial DNA 12S rRNA gene of chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. Journal of Fisheries Science in China. 7,1-4.

Chang, X., Patino, R., Yoshizaki, G., Thomas, P., and Lee, V. 2000.
Hormonal regulation and cellular distribution of connexin32.2 and connexin 32.7 RNAs in the ovary of Atlantic croaker.
General and Comparative Endocrinology. Vol.120,146-156.

遠藤雅人, 竹内俊郎, 吉崎悟朗, 豊部 睦, 神吉良二, 大森. 1999.
閉鎖生態系循環式養殖システム(CERAS)の開発に関する研究 Ⅳ.密閉式魚類飼育装置を用いたティラピアOreochromis niloticusの長期飼育. CELSS学会誌. 11,17-24.

竹内俊郎, 佐藤秀一, 宮崎 陽, 遠藤雅人, 陸 君, 吉崎悟朗, 酒井 清, 大森. 1999.
乾燥スピルリナによるティラピアの飼育試験. 水産増殖. 47,277-282.

Chang, X., Patino, R., Thomas, P., and Yoshizaki, G. 1999.
Developmental and protein kinase-dependent regulation of ovarian connexin mRNA and oocyte maturational competence in Atlantic croaker. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 114,330-339.

Patino, R., Chang, X., Yoshizaki, G., Thomas, P., and Kagawa, H. 1999.
Role and regulation of gap junctions during oocyte maturation in teleosts. Proc. 6th. Intl. Symp. Reprod.
Physiol. Fish. Vol.292-294.

Takeuchi Y., Yoshizaki, G., and Takeuchi,T. 1999.
Green fluorescent protein as a cell labeling tool and a reporter of gene expression in transgenic rainbow trout.
Marine Biotechnology Vol.1,448-457.

竹内俊郎, 吉崎悟朗, 倉澤 聡, 遠藤雅人, 廣田哲也, 鈴木克徳, 木部勢至朗, 上田 匡, 田仲広明. 1998.
航空機を用いた微小重力環境下における水棲生物の重力・応答実験. パラボリックフライト 8(21p~28p)

Igarashi, T. Miyata, M. Yoshizaki, G. Hirono, I. and Aoki, T. 1998.
Analysis of the β-globin family of carp. Fisheries Science 64,245-250.

竹内俊郎, 遠藤雅人, 吉崎悟朗, 豊部 睦, 神吉良二, 小口 美津夫, 木部勢至朗, 田仲広明. 1998.
閉鎖生態系循環式養殖システム(CERAS)の開発に関する研究 Ⅱ.密閉式魚類飼育装置におけるティラピアの限界放養量の推定. CELSS学会誌  11,27-34.

竹内俊郎, 廣田哲也, 吉崎悟朗, 酒井 清. 1998.
循環濾過式水槽で飼育したティラピアの成長と水質変動. 水産増殖 46,547-555.

Strussmann, C. A., Akaba, T., Ijima, K., Yamaguchi, K., Yoshizaki, G., and Takashima, F. 1997. Spontaneous hybridization in the laboratory and genetic markers for the identification of hybrids between two atherinid species, Odontesthes bonariensis and Patagonina hatcheri. Aquaculture Research 28,291-300.

竹内俊郎・能登 瞬・吉崎悟朗・豊部 睦・神吉良二・ 小口美津夫・木部勢至朗・田仲広明. 1997.
閉鎖生態系循環式養殖システム(CERAS)の開発に関する研究,Ⅰ.密閉式魚類飼育装置の開発.CELSS学会誌 10,1-4.

Yoshizaki, G., Yamaguchi, K., Oota, T., Strussmann, C. A. and Takashima, F. 1997.
Cloning and characterization of pejerrey mitochondrial DNA and its application for RFLP analysis. Journal of Fish Biology Vol.51,193-203.

Yoshizaki, G., Hirono, I., Aoki, T., and Takashima, F. 1997.
Cloning and sequencing of cDNAs of the β-globin gene family in carp.
Journal of Fish Biology Vol.51,1125-1136.

Yoshizaki, G., Takano, A., Aoki, T., and Takashima, F. 1997.
Nucleotide sequence of rainbow trout α-globin I and IV cDNA.
Journal of Animal Science Vol.75,1426-1426.

Yoshizaki, G., Jin, W., Patino, R., and Thomas, P. 1996.
Connexin genes, gap junctions, and ovarian maturational competence. Proc. 5th. Intl. Symp. Reprod. Physiol. Fish. 342-344.

Yoshizaki, G., Kang, J. H., Sakuma, K., Aoki, T., and Takashima, F. 1996.
Cloning and sequencing of rainbow trout β-globin cDNA.
Fisheries Science Vol.62,723-726.

Bruzzone, R., White, T. W., Yoshizaki, G., Patino, R., and Paul, D. L. 1995.
Intercellular channels in teleosts: functional characterization of two connexins from Atlantic croaker. FEBS Letters. 358,301-304.

Yoshizaki, G., and Patino, R. 1995.
Molecular cloning, tissue distribution, and hormonal control in the ovary of Cx41, mRNA, a novel Xenopus connexin gene transcript.
Molecular Reproduction and Development Vol.42,7-18.

Nagano, M., Yoshizaki, G., Hirono, I., Aoki, T., and Takashima, F. 1994.
The nucleotide sequence of cDNA for yamame salmon growth hormone.
Fisheries Science Vol.60,237-238.

Yoshizaki, G., Patino, R., and Thomas, P. 1994.
Connexin messenger ribonucleic acids in the ovary of Atlantic croaker: molecular cloning and characterization, hormonal control, and correlation with appearance of oocyte maturational competence.
Biology of Reproduction Vol.51,493-503.

Kang, J.H., Yoshizaki, G., Homma, O., Strussmann, C. A., and Takashima, F.  1993.
Effects of an osmotic differential on the efficiency of gene transfer by electroporation of fish spermatozoa.
Aquaculture Vol.173,267-307.

Fu, L., Hirono, I., Aoki, T., Yoshizaki, G., and Takashima, F. 1993.
Functional analysis of promoter regions from carp α-globin genes in cultured fish cells and human erythroleukemia cells.
Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi Vol.59,1077-1083.

Yoshizaki, G., Kobayashi, S., Oshiro, T., and Takashima, F. 1992.
Introduction and expression of CAT gene in rainbow trout.
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Yoshizaki, G., Oshiro, T., and Takashima, F. 1991.
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Yoshizaki, G., Oshiro, T., Tkashima, F., Hirono, I., and Aoki, T. 1991.
Germ line transmission of carp α-globin gene introduced in rainbow trout.
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■林誠、市田健介、吉崎悟朗,2017. 「Q95 魚類(サケ・マス類,マグロ類,ゼブラフィッシュやメダカなど)から調製した細胞のフローサイトメトリー解析やソーティングは可能でしょうか?」 実験医学別冊 ラボ必携 フローサイトメトリーQ&A(正しいデータを出すための100箇条),株式会社 羊土社,pp.288-290. 

■竹内俊夫、中田英昭、和田時夫、上田宏、有元貴文、渡部終五、中前明、橋本牧、吉崎悟朗 他,2016. 「5.8.3 新しい水産生物育種技術」 水産海洋ハンドブック 第3版 生物研究社,pp.405-408.

■竹内俊夫、中田英昭、和田時夫、上田宏、有元貴文、渡部終五、中前明、橋本牧、吉崎悟朗 他,2016. 「5.5.1 淡水魚類」 水産海洋ハンドブック 第3版 生物研究社,pp.322-324.

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■M. Kobayashi, YC Sohn, T. Morita, G. Yoshizaki, Y. Hayakawa, H. Nagaya and T. Suzuki. 2010.
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■吉崎悟朗,2010. 「第6章 水産物の安定供給を目的とした技術開発」 シリーズ21世紀の農学 世界の食料・日本の食料  日本農学会編 養賢堂,pp.101-116.

■森田哲朗・吉崎悟朗・小林牧人・渡部終五・竹内俊郎,2007. 「ニジマス受精卵を用いたヒトのタンパク質生産技術の開発」バイオプロセスハンドブック バイオケミカルエンジニアリングの基礎から有用物質生産・環境調和技術まで. NTS, pp.485-489.

■吉崎悟朗・竹内裕・奥津智之,2007. 「第5章 単離生殖細胞からの魚類個体の作出:細胞を介した遺伝子導入技法の樹立をめざして」. シリーズ21世紀の農学 動物・微生物の遺伝子工学研究. 養賢堂,pp.77-95.

■吉崎悟朗,2006. 「サケからマスをつくる:始原生殖細胞を用いた魚類の発生工学」. いざ生の扉へ:クローンとエピジェネティクスの新展開. アドスリー,pp.123-144.

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研究① 「生殖細胞の異種間移植による代理親魚養殖技術の開発。」

研究② 「液体窒素の中で凍結保存した生殖細胞を宿主に移植することで、凍結細胞に由来する卵や精子を生産する技術の開発。」

研究③ 「生殖細胞を試験管内で無限に増殖させる技術の開発。」

研究④ 「魚類の配偶子がどのようなホルモンや遺伝子の制御により成熟するのか?」

研究⑤ 「脂肪酸代謝酵素の遺伝子を魚類へと導入することで、EPAやDHAを自力で生産できる海産魚の作出を目指しています。」



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