











xxxx@ kaiyodai.ac.jp xxxxは、HAGA






学部:栄養生物化学実験、 水族栄養学(分担)、 海洋動植物学実習(分担)、フレッシュマンセミナー(分担)、卒業論文、セミナー










1)The Younger Scientist Award. Md. Al-Amin Sarker君. 第14回国際魚類栄養飼料シンポジウム.
2)Student Best Presentation Award. 第2位. Kitagima Renato君.World Aquaculture, 2011(ナタル市、ブラジル)
3) Student Best Presentation Award. Sutissak Boonyoung君.第15回国際魚類栄養飼料シンポジウム.
4)Student Poster Award. 伊藤智子さん.第16回国際魚類栄養飼料シンポジウム.
5)東京海洋大学学長賞.伊藤智子さん. 2014.9.26.
7) Student Poster Award. 第2位.Sandamali Sakunthala Herathさん.第17回国際魚類栄養飼料シンポジウム.
8) Best Student Presentation Award.伊藤智子さん.第18回国際魚類栄養飼料シンポジウム, 2018(ラスパルマス市、スペイン).


水産飼料の開発と性能評価、新規飼料原料(昆虫、微細藻類、細菌類や菌類)の性能評価、魚類の消化と吸収, 初期餌料の栄養強化, 骨格の蛍光色素染色など




水産庁委託「資源・環境に優しいクロマグロ増養殖技術開発事業のうちクロマグロ養殖最適新魚選抜・確保技術開発事業」のうち課題1‐③:稚魚期生残に影響を及ぼす生理学的・栄養学的関連遺伝子の探索. 研究分担者.
2019-2023. SATREPS. 世界戦略魚の作出を目指したタイ原産魚介類の家魚化と養魚法の構築. 研究分担者.
2019-202. 科学研究費補助金.基盤研究B.持続可能な養殖業の為の無魚粉無魚油飼料開発に関する基礎的研究. 研究分担者.
2020-2022. NEDO事業. 微細藻バイオマスのカスケード利用に基づくバイオジェット燃料次世代事業モデルの実証研究. 研究分担者
2020-2021. JST.二国間交流事業. ブルーエコノミー社会を目指す養殖業者ー消費者間「学び合い」食育プログラムの開発.研究分担者
2020-2023. ムーンショット型農林水産研究開発事業.地球規模の食糧問題の解決と人類の宇宙進出に向けた昆虫が支える循環型食料生産システムの開発.研究分担者
2020-2022. 令和3-4年度水産庁養殖業成長産業化事業養殖魚の低価格・高効率飼料の開発. 研究分担者.
2023. Qatar-Japan Research Collaboration (QJRC2-2023). Production of high quality insect meal for aquaculture and agrobusiness sectors.


Haga Y, Suzuki T, Takeuchi T. 2003. Malpigmentation and skeletal deformities of larval Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus; Ontogenesis and mechanism. World Aquaculture 2003, May 19-23, Salvador, Brazil. (invited)
芳賀 穣, 竹内俊郎. 6. 初期餌料. Ⅲ クロマグロの養殖技術と安全性・認証. 平成22年日本水産学会シンポジウム. クロマグロ養殖業-技術開発と事業展開・展望-. 平成22年3月28日.
Haga Y, Masui S, Fujinami Y, Aritaki M, Satoh S. 2009. Visualization of skeletal deformity in live marine fish larvae by fluorescent calcein staining. Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology, first meeting, April 27th-29th.Tavira, Portugal (Invited).
Haga Y, Du S-J, Satoh S, Kotani T, Fushimi H, Takeuchi T. 2009. Analysis of mechanism of skeletal deformity in fish larvae using vitamin A induced-bone deformity model. LARVI 2009, Sept. 7-9th, Ghent, Belgium (Invited).
Haga Y, Tanaka Y, Kumon K, Ohta H, Ishida S, Shiozawa S, Takeuchi T. Feed development for replacement for pray fish larvae for juvenile production of Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis. Aquaculture America 2012, Las Vegas. (invited)
Haga Y, Moriya T, Satoh S, Tanaka Y, Kumon K, Shiozawa S, Ohta H, Ishida S. Usefulness of commercial and non-heated fish meal diets for Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis. Aqua2012, Praque.(invited)
Haga Y. 2013. Development of alternative protein source for marine fish feed for sustainable aquaculture. China-Japan-Korea Fisheries Science & Marine Policy Symposium, Zhejian, China, Sep. 23rd.
Haga Y. 2013. Nutritional studies on tuna. Diversification of cultured fish in Chile. Temuco, Chile, Oct. 18th. (invited)
Haga Y. Recent advances in studies on skeletel and pigment abnormality of hatchery-raised Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus juvenile. Keynote speaker. International Conference on Marine Science and Aquaculture. Kota Kinabaru, Malaysia. Mar.16-19th (Invited).
Haga Y, Kabeya N, Yoshizaki G, Kondo H, Hirono I, Satoh S. 2015. Toward for modifying taurine & essential fatty acid requirement of Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. X III Simposio Internacional en Nutrición Acuícola, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico (invited).
Haga Y, Gonzales MM, Kondo H, Hirono I, Satoh S. 2017. Taurine synthesis in teleost-importance of cysteamine pathway-. XIV Simposio International en Nutricion Acuicola, Oct 5th, Ensenada, Mexico (Invited).
芳賀 穣, 伊藤智子, 中村康平, Gonzales M M, 近藤秀裕, 廣野育生, 佐藤秀一. 2020.魚類のタウリン合成とその機能. 国際タウリン研究会日本部会大会、東京、2月29日(招待講演)
芳賀 穣. 植物性原料による魚類腸管の損傷とタウリンによる改善効果. ウェブセミナー, 国際タウリン研究会日本部会, 7月20日. (招待講演)
Haga Y, Nakamura K, Ushigusa-Itoh T, Gonzales-Plasus GMM, Kabeya N, Satoh S. 2022. Effect of taurine precursor on growth and taurine content of marine fish. Simposio International de Nutricion Aquicola XVI, Virtual, 2022 March 30th (Invited).
Haga Y, Kabeya N, Tansutaphanit S, Banleng T. Salmon Farming in Japan: -Past, Present, and Future-. 1er Foro Producción de Trucha Arcoíris en México, Mexico City, Mexico, August 30th, 2023. (Invited)











平成9年3月 東京水産大学水産学部資源育成学科卒業
平成9年4月 東京水産大学大学院水産学研究科博士前期課程入学
平成11年3月 東京水産大学大学院水産学研究科博士前期課程修了
平成11年4月 東京水産大学大学院博士後期課程入学
平成14年3月 東京水産大学大学院水産学研究科博士後期課程修了


平成14年4月−平成15年9月 東京水産大学資源育成学科教務補佐員
平成15年10月−平成17年2月 米国メリーランド大学海洋生物工学研究所博士研究員
平成17年3月−平成17年8月 東京海洋大学海洋科学部技術補佐員
平成17年8月−平成18年3月 近畿大学水産研究所COE博士研究員
平成18年4月 東京海洋大学海洋科学部海洋生物資源学科助手
平成19年4月 東京海洋大学海洋科学部海洋生物資源学科助教
平成23年8月 東京海洋大学海洋科学海洋生物資源学部門准教授
平成28年2月 東京海洋大学学術研究院海洋生物資源学部門准教授








JICAベトナム国カントー大学強化附帯プロジェクト専門部会長(水産・養殖分野 2020.4.1-2022.3.15)
World Fisheries Congress 2024 International Program Committee Member


水産学奨励賞(日本水産学会, 平成22年)










1) Takeuchi T, Dedi J, Haga Y, Seikai T, Watanabe T. 1998. Effect of vitamin A compounds on bone deformity in larval Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Aquaculture 169: 155-165.
2) Haga Y, Takeuchi T, Seikai T. 1999. Effect of retinoic acid on larval Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, reared on Artemia nauplii. Aquac.Sci.47: 559-566.
3) Haga Y, Takeuchi T, Seikai T. 2001. Influence of all-trans retinoic acid on pigmentation and skeletal formation in larval Japanese flounder. Fish. Sci. 68: 560-570.
4) Haga Y, Suzuki T, Takeuchi T. 2002. Retinoids as potent teratogens on larval development of Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Fish. Sci. 68(Suppl.1): 789-792.
5) Haga Y, Suzuki T, Takeuchi T. 2002. Retinoic acid isomers produce malformations in postembryonic development of Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Zool. Sci 19: 1105-1112.
6) Haga Y, Suzuki T, Kagechika H, Takeuchi T. 2003. A retinoic acid receptor-selective agonist causes jaw deformities in Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Aquaculture 221: 381-392.
7) Suzuki T, Haga Y, Takeuchi T, Hashimoto H, Kurokawa T. 2003. Differentiation of chondrocytes and scleroblasts during dorsal fin skeletogenesis in flounder larvae. Dev. Growth Differ. 45: 435-448.
8) Haga Y, Takeuchi T, Murayama Y, Ohta K, Fukunaga T. 2004. Vitamin D3 compounds induce hypermelanosis on the blind side and vertebral deformity in juvenile Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Fish. Sci. 70: 59-67.
9) Haga Y, Seikai T, Takeuchi T. 2004. Changes of retinoid contents in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus and Artemia nauplii enriched with a large dose of all-trans retinoic acid. Fish. Sci. 70: 437-445.
10) 芳賀穣, 屶網慶, 竹内俊郎. 2005. ヒラメParalichthys olivaceus仔稚魚の真の両面有色型黒化の発現過程における無眼側皮膚の超微細構造. 日水誌 71: 782-790.
11) Tarui F, Haga Y, Ohta K, Shima Y, Takeuchi T. 2006. Effect of Artemia nauplii enriched with vitamin A palmitate on hypermelanosis on the blind side in juvenile Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. Fish. Sci. 72: 256-262.
12) Haga Y, Tarui F, Ohta K, Shima Y, Takeuchi T. 2006. Effect of light irradiation on dynamics of vitamin A compounds in rotifers and Artemia. Fish. Sci. 72: 1020-1026.
13) 澤田好史,樋口和宏,芳賀 穣,浦和寛,石橋泰典,倉田道雄,宮武弘史,片山茂和,瀬岡学.2008. シマアジ胚発生に及ぼす低酸素と高二酸化炭素の影響.日水誌 74, 144-151.
14) Fujimoto K, Sawada Y, Yamamoto T, Sudo M, Haga Y, Kurata M, Okada T, Miyashita S, Kumai H. 2008. Neutral lipid deposition in reared larval and juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis under different rearing temperatures. Aquac. Sci. 56, 19-30.
15) Nguyen VT, Satoh S, Kotani T, Haga Y, Fushimi H. 2008. Effects of zinc and manganese supplementation in Artemia on growth and vertebral deformity in red sea bream (Pagrus major) larvae. Aquaculture 285, 184-192.
16) Lu J, Li J, Furuya Y, Yoshizaki G, Sun H, Endo M, Haga Y, Satoh S, Takeuchi T. 2009. Efficient productivity and lowered nitrogen and phosphorus discharge load from GH-transgenic tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) under visual satiation feeding. Aquaculture 293, 241–247.
17) Haga Y, Dominique V, Du S-J. 2009. Analyzing notochord segmentation and intervertebral disc formation using the twhh:gfp transgenic zebrafish model. Transgenic Res. 18, 669-683.
18) Haga, Y., Du S-J., Masui, S., Fujinami, Y., Aritaki, M., Satoh, S. Visualization of skeletons and intervertebral disks in live fish larvae by fluorescent calcein staining and disk specific GFP expression. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 26, 268-273.
19) Yamamoto, Y., Kabeya N, Takeuchi Y, Alimuddin, Haga Y, Satoh S, Takeuchi T, Yoshizaki G. Cloning and nutritional regulation of polyunsaturated fatty acid desaturase and elongase of the marine teleost nibe croaker, Nibea mitsukurii. Fish. Sci. 76, 463-472.
20) Haga Y, Naiki T, Takebe T, Kumon K, Tanaka Y, Shiozawa S, Nakamura Y, Ishida S, Ide K, Masuma S, Takeuchi T. 2010. Effect of feeding microdiet and yolk-sac larvae of spangled emperor Lethrinus nebulosus at different ages on survival and growth of Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis. Aquaculture Science 58, 491-499.
21) Haga Y, Naiki T, Tazaki Y, Takaki Y, Yamaguchi T, Tanaka Y, Kumon K, Shiozawa S, Masuma S, Nakamura T, Ishida S, Takeuchi T. Improvement in the feeding activity, early growth and survival of Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis larvae fed a casein peptide-based microdiet supplemented with inosine monophosphate. Fisheries Science 77, 245-253.
22)Sarker MAA, Yamamoto Y, Haga Y, Sarker MSA, Miwa M, Yoshizaki G, Satoh S. Influences of low salinity and dietary fatty acids on fatty acid composition, fatty acid elongase and desaturase expression in red sea bream Pagrus major. Fisheries Science 77, 385-396.
23) ヒラメ人工種苗の形態異常の防除に向けた脂溶性ビタミン過剰モデルの構築に関する研究.日本水産学会誌 77, 582-584.
24)脂溶性ビタミン類過剰モデルの開発-養殖魚の形態異常の防除技術の開発に向けた研究の展開-.ビタミン 86, 2012, 55-62.
25) Sarker MSA, Satoh S, Kamata K, Haga Y, Yamamoto Y. 2012. Supplementation effect of organic acids and/or lipid in alternate plant protein sources diets on growth and excretion of nitrogen and phosphorus in juvenile yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata. Aquac. Res. 43, 538-545.
26) Sarker MSA, Satoh S, Kamata K, Haga Y, Yamamoto Y. 2012. Partial replacement of fishmeal with plant protein sources using organic acids to practical diets for juvenile yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata. Aquac. Nutr. 18, 81-89.
27) Boonyoung S, Haga Y, Satoh S. 2013. Preliminary study on effects of methionine hydroxyl analogue and taurine supplementation in a soy protein concentrate-based diet on the biological performance and amino acid composition of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Wallbaum). Aquac. Res. 44, 1339-1347.
28) Li J, Haga Y, Masuda R, Takahashi K, Ohta H, Ishida S, Satoh S. 2013. Growth, survival, digestive enzyme activities, and DNA/RNA ratio in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus larvae fed live food and casein peptide- and fish meal-based microdiets. Aquac. Sci. 61, 81-93. 29) Prachom N, Haga Y, Satoh S. 2013. Impact of dietary high protein distillers dried grains on amino acid utilization, growth response, nutritional health status, and waste output in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquac. Nutr. 19, 62-71.
29) Kitagima RE, Haga Y, Hirono I, Endo M, Satoh S. 2013. Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S plant promoter from GM soybean can drive gene expression in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss cells in vitro and in vivo. Aquac. Nutr. 19, 122-134.
30) Rodriguez-Estrada U, Satoh S, Haga Y, Fushimi H, Sweetman J. 2013. Effects of inactivated Enterococcus faecalis and mannan oligosaccharide and their combination on growth, immunity, and disease protection in rainbow trout. North Am. J. Aquac. 75, 416-428.
31) Hanini I, Sarker MSA, Satoh S, Haga Y, Corneillie S, Ohkuma T, Nakayama H. 2013. Effects of taurine, phytase and enzyme complex supplementation to low fish meal diets on growth of juvenile red sea bream Pagrus major. Aquac. Sci. 61, 367-375.
32) Limtipsuntorn U, Haga Y,* Kondo H, Hirono I, Satoh S. 2014. Microarray analysis of hepatic gene expression profile in juvenile Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus fed fish and vegetable oils supplemented diets. Mar. Biotechnol. 16, 88-102. *corresponding author
33) Kabeya N, Takeuchi Y, Yamamoto Y, Yazawa R, Haga Y, Satoh S, Yoshizaki G. 2014. Modification of the EPA and DHA biosynthetic pathway by transgenesis in a marine teleost, nibe croaker. J. Biotech. 172, 46–54.
34) Suprayudi MA, Inara C, Ekasari J, Priyoutomo N, Haga Y, Takeuchi T, Satoh S. Preliminary nutritional evaluation of rubber seed and defatted rubber seed meals as plant protein sources for common carp Cyprinus carpio L. juvenile diet. Aquac. Res. (in press)
35) Lu F, Haga Y, Satoh S. Replacement of fish meal with rendered animal protein and plant protein sources on growth response, biological indices and amino acid availability of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Fish. Sci. 81, 95-105.
36) Haga Y, Kondo H, Kumagai A, Satoh N, Hirono I, Satoh S. 2015. Isolation, molecular characterization of cysteine sulfinic acid decarboxylase (CSD) of red sea bream Pagrus major and yellowtail Seriola quinquieradiata and expression analysis of CSD from several marine fish species. Aquaculture 449: 8-17.
37)Takeuchi T, Haga Y. 2015. Development of microparticulate diets with special reference to Pacific bluefin tuna, abalone and Japanese spiny lobster: a review. Fish. Sci. 81: 591-600.
38) Suharman I, Satoh S, Haga Y, Hirono I, Muchlisin ZA. 2015. Detection of transgenic and endogenous plant DNA in blood and organs of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus fed a diet formulated with genetically modified soybean meal. AACL Bioflux 8: 714-722.
39) Kurnia A, Satoh S, Haga Y, Kudo H, Nakada M, Matsumura H, Watanabe Y, Adachi S. 2015. Muscle coloration of rainbow trout with astaxanthin sources from marine bacteria and synthetic astaxanthin. Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development 6, doi: 10.4172/2155-9546.1000337
40) Kaneko G, Shirakami H, Yamada T, Ide S, Haga Y, Satoh S, Ushio H.2016. Short-term fasting increases skeletal muscle lipid content in association with enhanced mRNA levels of lipoprotein lipase 1 in lean juvenile red seabream (Pagrus major). Aquaculture 452:160-168.
41) Herath SS, Haga Y, Satoh S. 2016. Effects of long term feeding with corn co-product based diets on growth, fillet color and fatty acid and amino acid composition of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Aquaculture 464, 205-212.
42) Cho J, Haga Y, Kamimura Y, Akazawa A, Itoh A, Satoh S. 2016. Production performance of Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis larvae and juveniles fed commercial diets and effects of switching diets. Aquaculture Science 359-370.
43) Matsukura K, Iino S, Haga Y, Kitagima R, Satoh S. 2017. Effect of supplementation with enzyme complex to non-fish meal diet in adult red sea bream Pagrus major. Aquaculture Science 65, 19-27.
44) Kabeya N, Chiba M, Haga Y, Satoh S, Yoshizaki G. 2017. Cloning and functional characterization of fads2 desaturase and elovl5 elongase from Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B. 214, 36-46. Dec
45) Herath SS, Haga Y, Satoh S. 2018. Interactive effects of salinity and complete fishmeal replacement on growth, food consumption, and gene expression of hepatic IGF-I, IGF-II and growth hormone receptors in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). Aquaculture Research 49, 2128-2139. June
46) Yoshinaga H, Ushio H, Haga Y, Satoh S. 2018. Pre-harvest modulation of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in rainbow trout meat for human consumption. Journal of Food Processing and Technology 9:2.1-7, Jan
47) Cho J-H, Haga Y, Masuda R, Satoh S. 2018. Periodic changes in the growth performance and biochemical composition of juvenile red sea bream Pagrus major fed non-heated and heated squid and krill meal-based diets. Fisheries Science 84, 699-713. July
48) Fauzi IA, Haga Y, Kondo H, Hirono I, Satoh S. 2019. Effects of arginine supplementation on growth performance and plasma arginine, ornithine, and citrulline dynamics of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture Research 50, 1277-1290. April
49) Gonzales-Plasus MM, Kondo H, Hirono I, Satoh S, Haga Y. 2019. Cysteamine dioxygenase as enzymes for taurine synthesis and the negative effect of high dietary cysteamine on growth and body shape of the common carp, Cyprinus carpio. Aquaculture Science 67, 95-108. *corresponding author, June 20th
50) Ridwanudin A, Haga Y, Katagiri T, Satoh S. 2019. Effect of nucleotides supplementation to low fish meal feed on long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids composition of juvenile rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture Research 50, 2218-2230.August
51) Seong T-K, Matsutani H, Haga Y, Kitagima R, Satoh S. 2019. First step of non-fish meal, non-fish oil diet development for red seabream, Pagrus major, with plant protein sources and microalgae Schizochytrium sp. Aquaculture Research 50, 2460-2468. September
52) Li F, Haga Y, Kondo H, Hirono I, Satoh S. 2019. Effect of graded levels of taurine supplementation to non fishmeal diet on growth, nutrient digestibility, intestinal morphology and cytokine gene expression of juvenile red seabream Pagrus major. Aquaculture Science 67, 333-346. December 20th https://doi.org/10.11233/aquaculturesci.65.239
53) Seong T-K, Kitagima R, Haga Y, Satoh S. 2020. Non-fish meal, non-fish oil diet development for red sea bream, Pagrus major, with plant protein and graded levels of Schizochytrium sp.: Effect on growth and fatty acid composition. Aquaculture Nutrition 26, 1173-1185.
54) Santizo-Taan R, Haga Y, Satoh S. 2020. Utilization of combined extruded soybean and corn gluten meals as feed ingredients for juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss diet. Aquaculture Research 51, 3829-3838. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/are.14731
55) Fauzi IA, Haga Y, Kondo H, Hirono I, Satoh S. 2020. Dietary citrulline improves survival of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss juveniles challenged with Vibrio anguillarum. Aquaculture 528, 528, 735491, Nov. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2020.735491
56) Tran LTP, Tran HTT, Tran TLC, Nguyen KV, Haga Y, Phu TM. 2020. Salinization intensifies the effects of extreme temperatures on a common tropical freshwater aquaculture fish snakehead (Channa striata) in the Mekong delta, Vietnam. Fisheries Science 86, 1029-1036. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12562-020-01463-9、9月
57) Nakamura K, Itoh-Ushigusa T, Gonzales-Plasus MM, Kondo H, Hirono I, Satoh S, Haga Y. 2021. Taurine synthesis via the cysteic acid pathway: Effect of dietary cysteic acid on growth, body taurine content, and gene expression of taurine-synthesizing enzymes, growth hormone, and insulin-like growth factor 1 in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. Fisheries Science 87, 353–363. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12562-021-01500-1
58) Kabeya N, Ogino M, Ushio H, Haga Y, Satoh S, Navarro JC, Monroig O. 2021. A complete enzymatic capacity for biosynthesis of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) exists in the marine Harpacticoida copepod Tigriopus californicus. Open Biology 11: 200402.
59) Ridwanudin A, Kasuya H, Haga Y, Kabeya N, Satoh S. 2021.Interactive effect of dietary fish oil and pyrimidine nucleotides supplementation on the fatty acid composition of juvenile rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss: Enhancement of ARA and DHA contents in the fillet of fish fed supplemented diet. Aquaculture Research 52, 4934-4945. October. https://doi.org/10.1111/are.15327
60) Seong T-K, Uno Y, Kitagima R, Kabeya N, Haga Y, Satoh S. 2021. Microalgae as main ingredient for fish feed: non-fish meal and non-fish oil diet development for red sea bream, Pagrus major, by blending of microalgae Nannochloropsis, Chlorella and Schizochytrium. Aquaculture Research 52, 6025-6036, Dec. https://doi.org/10.1111/are.15463 (First published: 10 July 2021)
61) Seong TK, Matsuyoshi J, Haga Y, Kabeya N, Kitagima R, Miyahara J, Koshiishi T, Satoh S. 2021. Utilization of microalgae Schizochytrium sp. in non-fish meal, non-fish oil diet for yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata). Aquaculture Research (in press): DOI: 10.1111/are.15732
62) Cho J-H, Haga Y, Kamimura Y, Itoh A, Satoh S. 2022.Peruvian fish meal has comparative potential to enzyme-treated Chilean fish meal as protein source of diet for larvae and juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis. Fisheries Science 88: 161–172, Jan: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12562-021-01573-y, Jan.
63) Cho J-H, Kurimoto T, Haga Y, Kamimura Y, Itoh A, Satoh S. 2022. Effects of non-heated and heat processed krill and squid meal-based diet on growth performance and biochemical composition in juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis. Fishes 2022,7, 83: DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.3390/fishes7020083.
64) Yoldas GY, Ueda S, Takino T, Seong TK, Kabeya N, Satoh S, Haga Y. 2022. Effects of an enzyme complex-treated rice protein concentrate on growth performance and feed utilization of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss juveniles. Aquaculture Journal,2, 316-325.
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