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松本 隆志(2024-09-26)
食品の品質制御を目的とした食品多成分系のガラス−ラバー転移挙動の解析(奨励(A), H12-13)
凍結食品中の氷結晶の再結晶化挙動とテクスチャーの劣化に関する研究(若手(B), H15)
平成4年3月 東京大学農学部農芸化学科 卒業
平成4年4月 東京大学大学院農学研究科農芸化学専攻修士課程 入学
平成6年3月 同 修了
平成6年4月 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科応用生命化学専攻博士課程 入学
平成9年3月 同 修了
平成9年4月 東京水産大学水産学部 助手
平成15年10月 大学統合により、東京海洋大学海洋科学部 助手
平成16年3月〜平成17年2月 文部科学省在外研究員(米国ウィスコンシン大学)
平成19年4月 東京海洋大学海洋科学部 助教 現在に至る.
平成16年8月 日本食品工学会2003年度論文賞
(論文題名:Fractal Analysis of Ice Crystals in Frozen Fish Meat.)
平成18年8月 日本食品工学会2005年度論文賞
平成18年8月 2006年度日本食品工学会年次大会優秀発表賞
博士(農学), 東京大学(1997)
平成16年8月 日本食品工学会2003年度論文賞
(論文題名:Fractal Analysis of Ice Crystals in Frozen Fish Meat.)
平成18年8月 日本食品工学会2005年度論文賞
平成18年8月 2006年度日本食品工学会年次大会優秀発表賞
1. Relationship between enthalpy relaxation and water sorption of ball-milled potato starch (Mayumi Anzai, Tomoaki Hagiwara, Manabu Watanabe, Jiro Komiyama, Toru Suzuki:2011) Journal of Food Engineering: 104: 43-48
2. 固体表面からの芽胞の脱離性に及ぼす残存乳成分の影響 (七崎裕介,萩原知明,崎山高明: 2011) 日本食品工学会誌: 12:1-8
3. 気液二相流によるステンレス鋼配管の洗浄特性と洗浄水削減効果 (大森智史, 今井純利,新谷進,松長正見,萩原知明,渡辺学,渡辺尚彦,﨑山高明: 2010) 日本食品工学会誌: 11: 125-132
4. Removability of bacterial spores made adherent to solid surfaces from suspension with and without drying (Yusuke Nanasaki, Tomoaki Hagiwara, Hisahiko Watanabe, Takaharu Sakiyama: 2010) Food Control: 21: 1472-1477
5. Adsorption of tropomyosin from pink shrimp (Pandalus eous) on stainless steel surface (Savitree Thammathongchat, Tomoaki Hagiwara, and Takaharu Sakiyama:2010) Food Control: 21: 1250-1253
6. Adhesion behavior and removability of Escherichia coli on stainless steel surface(Melba Padua Ortega, Tomoaki Hagiwara, Hisahiko Watanabe and Takaharu Sakiyama:2010)Food Control:21(4):573-578
7. Estimation of water diffusion coefficients in freeze-concentrated matrices of sugar solutions using molecular dynamics: correlation between estimated diffusion coefficients and measured ice-crystal recrystallization rates(Tomoaki Hagiwara, Takaharu Sakiyama, and Hisahiko Watanabe:2009)Food Biophysics:4:340-346
8. Molecular simulation of bovine β-lactoglobulin adsorbed onto a model positively charged solid surface(Tomoaki Hagiwara, Takaharu Sakiyama, and Hisahiko Watanabe:2009)Langmuir:25(1):226-234
9. Factors affecting adhesion of Staphylococcus epidermidis to stainless steel surface(Melba Padua Ortega, Tomoaki Hagiwara, Hisahiko Watanabe, and Takaharu Sakiyama:2008)Japan Journal of Food Engineering:9(4):251-259
10. Thermal, mechanical, and molecular relaxation properties of frozen sucrose and fructose solutions containing hydrocolloids(M. L. Herrera, J. I. M’Cann, C. Ferrero, T.Hagiwara, N. E. Zaritzky, R. W. Hartel:2007)Food Biophysics:2(1):20-28
11. 多品種少量食品製造現場におけるHACCP実施の問題点(山田晃弘, 日佐和夫, 福岡美香, 萩原知明, 崎山高明, 渡辺尚彦:2007)日本食品工学会誌:8(2):59-71
12. Water holding capacity profile that governs water migration in starchy food during boiling(Savitree Thammathongchat, Mika Fukuoka, Tomoaki Hagiwara, Takaharu Sakiyama, Hisahiko Watanabe:2007)Japan Journal of Food Engineering:8(3):131-136
13. Relationship between recrystallization rate of ice crystals in sugar solutions and water mobility in freeze-concentrated matrix(Tomoaki Hagiwara, Richard W. Hartel and Shingo Matsukawa:2006)Food Biophysics:1(2):74-82
14. 凍結食品中の氷結晶粒の形態変化と凝集プロセスのフラクタルによる評価(小城陽子, 渡辺学, 高井陸雄, 萩原知明, 鈴木徹:2006)日本冷凍空調学会論文集:23(3):299-304
15. Survival of Escherichia coli on polypropylene surface fouled with organic soil of different water contents(Takaharu Sakiyama, Yoichiro Honda, Mika Fukuoka, Tomoaki Hagiwara, Hisahiko Watanabe:2006)Japan Journal of Food Engineering:7(4):249-253
16. 電解還元系の人工温泉水の皮膚および髪に与える効果.(大河内正一、大波英幸、庄司未来、大野慶晃、池田茂男、阿岸祐幸、萩原知明、鈴木徹:2005)温泉科学:55(2):55-63
17. ガラス状態にある凍結乾燥食品のメイラード反応速度に及ぼす還元糖の影響.(川井清司、萩原知明、高井陸雄、鈴木徹:2005)日本食品工学会誌:6(1):59-64
18. The rate of non-enzymatic browning reaction in model freeze-dried food system in the glassy state.(K.Kawai, T.Hagiwara, R.Takai, T. Suzuki:2005)Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies:6(3):346-350
19. Comparative investigation by two analytical approaches of enthalpy relaxation for glassy glucose, sucrose, maltose, and trehalose.(K.Kawai, T.Hagiwara, R.Takai, T.Suzuki:2005)Pharmaceutical Research:22(3):490-495
20. Ice Recrystallization in Sucrose Solutions Stored in a Temperature Range of -21℃ to -50℃(Tomoaki Hagiwara, Jianzhong Mao, Toru Suzuki, Rikuo Takai:2005)Food Science and Technology Research:11(4):407-411
21. Study on the enthalpy relaxation of Katsuobushi (dried glassy fish meat) by differential scanning calorimetry and effect of physical aging upon its water sorption ability.(T.Hashimoto, T.Hagiwara, T.Suzuki, R.Takai:2004)Japan Journal of Food Engineering:5(1):11-19
22. Study on the glass transition for several processed fish muscles and its protein fractions using differential scanning calorimetry.(T.Hashimoto, T.Suzuki, T.Hagiwara, R. Takai:2004)Fisheries Science:70(6):1144-1152
23. Maillard reaction rate in various glassy matrices.(K.Kawai, T.Hagiwara, R.Takai, T. Suzuki:2004)Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry:68(11):2285-2288
14. Quantitative characterization of morphology of ice crystal in frozen foods by using the concept of fractal.(T.Hagiwara, T.Suzuki, R.Takai:2003)21st International Congress of Refrigeration - Serving the Needs of Mankind:ICR0421:1-8
25. Effects of water state upon freshness change of raw tuna meat during storage.(T.W.Agustini, T.Suzuki, T.Hagiwara, R. Takai:2003)21st International Congress of Refrigeration - Serving the Needs of Mankind:ICR0422:1-8
26. Fractal analysis of ice crystals in frozen fish meat.(T.Hagiwara, R.Hayashi, T.Suzuki, R.Takai:2003)Japan Journal of Food Engineering:4(1):11-16
27. Kinetic Process of enthalpy relaxation of glassy starch and effect of physical aging upon its water vapor permeability properties.(Y-J.Kim, T.Hagiwara, K.Kawai, T.Suzuki, R.Takai:2003)Carbohydrate Polymers:53(3):289-296
28. Study on the glass transition of Katsuobishi (boiled and dried bonito fish stick) by differential scanning calorimetry and dynamic mechanical analysis.(T.Hashimoto, T.Hagiwara, T.Suzuki, R.Takai:2003)Fisheries Science:69(6):1288-1295
29. Fractal analysis of ice crystals in frozen food.(T.Hagiwara, H.Wang, T.Suzuki, R.Takai:2002)Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry:50(11):3085-3089
30. Enthalpy relaxation and glass to rubber transition of amorphous potato starch formed by ball-milling.(Y.J.Kim, T.Suzuki, T.Hagiwara, I.Yamaji, R. Takai :2001)Carbohydrate Polymers:46(1):1-6
31. Change of K value and water state of yellwowfin tuna (Tunnus albacares) meat stored in wide temperature range (20℃ to -84℃)(T.W.Agustini, T.Suzuki, T.Hagiwara, S.Ishizaki, M.Tanaka, R.Takai:2001)Fisheries Science:67(2):306-313
32. The possibility of using oxidation-reduction potential to evaluate fish freshness.(T.W.Agustini, M.Suzuki, T.Suzuki, T.Hagiwara, S.Okouchi, R.Takai:2001)Fisheries Science:67(3):547-549
33. The effect of thermal history on the glass transition of dried gelatin gel.(Y.Kato, T.Hagiwara, T.Suzuki, R.Takai:2001)Transactions of the Material Research Society of Japan:26(2):659-662
34. 豆腐凝固過程の熱移動解析(酒井昇、萩原知明、楊暉、東條愛:2001)日本食品科学工学会誌:48(10):733-737
35. 水溶液系における過冷却解消温度について.(君塚道史、鈴木徹、萩原知明、高井陸雄:2000)低温生物工学会誌:46(1):1-5
36. ポリリン酸塩及びアデノシン系リン酸エステルのガラス転移に関する研究.(川井清司、鈴木徹、萩原知明、高井陸雄:2000)低温生物工学会誌:46(2):2-6
37. Evaluation of the fractal dimension for aggregates in heat-induced BSA gels.(H.Kumagai, T.Hagiwara, O.Miyawaki, K.Nakamura:2000)Hydrocolloids: Physical Chemistry and Industrial Application of Gels, Polysaccharides, and Proteins :417-422
38. Analysis of heat-induced BSA aggregates by scattering methods.(T.Hagiwara, H.Kumagai, T.Suzuki, R.Takai:2000)Hydrocolloids: Physical Chemistry and Industrial Application of Gels, Polysaccharides, and Proteins :423-428
39. Effect of salt addition on fractal structure of aggregates formed by heating dilute BSA solutions(H.Kumagai, T.Matsunaga, T.Hagiwara:1999)Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry:63(1):223-225
40. Rheological study on fractal nature of protein gel structure.(S.Ikeda, E.A.Foegeding, T.Hagiwara:1999)Langmuir:15(25):8584-8589
41. Fractal analysis of aggregates in heat-induced BSA gels.(T.Hagiwara, H.Kumagai, K.Nakamura:1998)Food Hydrocolloids:12(1):29-36
42. Analysis of aggregate structure in food protein gels with a concept of fractal.(T.Hagiwara, H.Kumagai, T.Matsunaga, K.Nakamura:1997)Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry:61(10):1663-1667
43. The fractal analysis of elasticity of BSA and ?-lactoglobulin gels.(T.Hagiwara, H.Kumagai, T.Matsunaga:1997)Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry:45(10):3807-3812
44. Fractal analysis of aggregates formed by heating dilute BSA solutions using light scattering methods.(T.Hagiwara, H.Kumagai, K.Nakamura:1996)Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry:60(11):1757-1763
1. Evaluation of The Fractal Dimension for Aggregates in Heat Induced BSA Gels.
Hydrocolloids 1: Physical chemistry and industrial application of gels, polysaccharides and protein, Elsevier (2000) 417-422.
2. Analysis of Heat-induced BSA Aggregates by Scattering Methods.
Hydrocolloids 1: Physical chemistry and industrial application of gels, polysaccharides and protein, Elsevier (2000) 423-428.
3. 水産学シリーズ141 水産物の品質・鮮度とその高度保持技術(分担)12.凍結解凍技術による小型魚の高度品質保持技術,恒星社厚生閣(2004).