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H26-H27年度 ヒラメ鰓抗原取り込み細胞の性状解析:浸漬ワクチン技術の理論的根拠を探る
H28-H30年度 魚類鰓抗原取り込み細胞の細胞生理学的研究:魚類独自の抗原捕捉システムの解明
H28-H29年度 魚類の鰓上皮抗原取り込み細胞を標的としたニードルフリーワクチンの開発
H30-32年度 魚類の鰓抗原取込細胞は抗原提示能を有するか
Gill-epithelial antigen sampling cells in raibow trout. (Animal Health Innovation Asia, Nov., 2019)
DNA vaccine against Nocardia seriolae infection in fish. (Taiwan-Japan Symposium on Emerging Trends in Aquatic Animal Immunity and Aquaculture Biotechnology, Feb., 2012)
2006年3月 宇都宮大学農学部生物生産科学科 卒業
2008年3月 東京海洋大学大学院海洋科学技術研究科博士前記過程修了
2011年3月 東京海洋大学大学院海洋科学技術研究科博士後期過程修了 博士(海洋科学)
2011年4月 東京海洋大学大学院海洋科学技術研究科 博士研究員
2012年4月 日本学術振興会特別研究員 独立行政法人水産総合研究センター増養殖研究所
2014年5月 日本学術振興会特別研究員 Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut
2015年4月 東京海洋大学 海洋科学技術科研究院 海洋科学系 海洋生物資源学部門 助教
2016年2月 東京海洋大学 学術研究院 海洋生物資源学部門 助教
2021年4月 東京海洋大学 学術研究院 海洋生物資源学部門 准教授
Mycobacterium bovis BCGにより誘導される魚類の免疫応答およびMycobacterium sp.に対する感染防御効果
日本魚病学会 編集幹事(2015年4月~2019年3月)
日本魚病学会 会計幹事(2019年4月~)
日本水産学会 編集幹事補佐(2016年3月~2020年2月)
日本水産学会 編集幹事(2020年3月~)
日本水産学会 若手の会 委員(2019年3月~2021年2月)
日本水産学会 若手の会 副委員長(2021年3月~)
2016年3月 平成27年度 水産学奨励賞 日本水産学会
2016年11月 平成28年度 日本農学進歩賞 公益財団法人 農学会
Machida Y.,Tang B.C.C., Yamada M. Sato S., Nakajima K., Matoyama H.,, Kishihara T., Endo M., Sano M., Kato G. Mycobacteriosis in cultured koi carp Cyprinus carpio caused by Mycobacterium paragordonae and two Mycolicibacterium spp. Aquaculture 539, 736656, 2021.
Kawashima N., Minami S., Suzuki K., Watanabe S., Nakayasu C., Sano M., Kato G. 32. Changes in resistance against bacterial cold-water disease and in leukocyte composition along with sexual maturation in ayu Plecoglossus altivelis. Fish Pathology 55 (4) (p132-141) 2020.
Koyama T., Komatsu D., Uchino T., Midorikawa Y., Kato G., Ishikawa T., Nishimura T., Takeda K., Fukuda H., Wada S., Sano M. 31. Development of new PCR and quantitative PCR protocols for the detection of Plecoglossus altivelis poxvirus-like virus in atypical cellular gill disease of ayu. Fish Pathology 55 (3), (p84-87), 2020.
Wei C., Kakazu T., Chuah Q.Y., Tanaka M., Kato G., Sano M. 30. Reactivation of cyprinid herpesvirus 2 (CyHV-2) in asymptomatic surviving goldfish Carassius auratus (L.) under immunosuppression. Fish and shellfish Immunology 103, (p302-309), 2020.
Midorikawa Y., Shimizu T., Sanda T., Hamasaki K., Dan S., Lal M.T.B.M., Kato G., Sano M. 29. Characterization of Aquimarina hainanensis isolated from diseased mud crab Scylla serrata larvae in a hatchery. Journal of Fish Disease, 43 (5) (p541-549). 2020.
Kato G., Oka K., Matsumoto M., Kanemaru M., Yamamoto M., Sano M. 28. Prevalence of infection with Nocardia seriolae in juvenile of yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata cultured in Owase Bay, Japan. Fish Pathology, 55 (1) (p1-7), 2020.
Kato G., Isaka Y., Suzuki K., Watanabe S., Izumi S., Nakayasu C., Endo M., Sano M. 27. Immune responses induced by oil-adjuvanted inactivated vaccine against Flavobacterium psychrophilum in ayu Plecoglossus altivelis. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 98 (p585-594), 2020
Chang W, Iida H. Chuah Q, Tanaka M, Kato G. Sano M. Persistence of cyprinid herpesvirus 2 in asymptomatic goldfish Carassius auratus (L.) that survived an experimental infection. Journal of Fish Diseases 42, 913-921, 2019.
Kato G, Kakazu T, Yamada M, Lau L, Nakajima K, Sato S, Nakanishi T, Endo M, Sano M. Granulomatous inflammation in ginbuna crucian carp Carassius auratus langsdorfii against Mycobacterium gordonae. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 91, 93-100, 2019.
Tanaka M, Dairiki K, Nakajima M, Kato G, Sakamoto T, Sano M. Inheritance of the resistant trait in goldfish against herpesviral hematopoietic necrosis. Fish Pathology 53, 117-123. 2018.
Kato G, Miyazawa H, Nakayama Y, Ikari Y, Kondo H, Yamaguchi T, Sano M, U Fischer. A novel antigen-sampling cell in the teleost gill epithelium with the potential for direct antigen presentation in mucosal tissue. Frontiers in Immunology 9, 2116, 2018.
Minami S, Suzuki K, Watanabe S, Sano M, Kato G. Maturation-associated changes in the non-specific immune response against Flavobacterium psychrophilum in Ayu Plecoglossus altivelis. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 76, 167-173, 2018.
Khoa HV, Midorikawa Y, Uchino T, Nakai T, Kato G, Kondo H, Hirono I, Labaiden M, Direkbusarakom S, Sano M. Complete genome sequence of lytic giant bacteriophage pt24 infecting Tenacibaculum sp. isolated from shrimp culture pond. Genome Announcement 5, e00081-17, 2017.
Nanjo A, Shibata T, Saito M, Yoshii K, Tanaka M, Nakanishi T, Fukuda H, Sakamoto T, Kato G, Sano M. Susceptibility of isogeneic ginbuna Carassius auratus langsdorfii Temminck et Schlegel to cyprinid herpesvirus-2 (CyHV-2) as a model species. Journal of Fish Disease 40, 157-168, 2017.
Nanjo A, Shibata T, Yoshii K, Shibata Y, Nakanishi T, Tanaka M, Kato G, Sano M. Passive immunisation of goldfish with the serum of those surviving a cyprinid herpesvirus 2 infection after high temperature water treatment. Bulletin European Association of Fish Pathologists 37, 58-65, 2017.
Kato G, Takano T, Nishiki I, Kai W, Yasuike M, Nakamura Y, Fujiwara A, Sakai T, Matsuyama T, Nakayasu C. Expressed sequence tag analyses of three leukocyte subpopulations in ayu Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis, separated by monoclonal antibodies. Marine Genomics 23, 123-132, 2015.
Takano T, Mizuno Y, Fukuda Y, Matsuyama T, Sakai T, Kato G, Nakayasu C. Therapeutic Efficacy of Oral Administration of Fosfomycin on Experimentally Induced Edwardsiellosis in Japanese Flounder. Fish Pathology 50, 123-126, 2015.
Granja AG, Leal E, Pignatelli J, Castro R, Abós B, Kato G, Fischer U, Tafalla C. Identification of teleost skin CD8α+ dendritic-like cells, representing a potential common ancestor for mammalian cross-presenting dendritic cells. Journal of Immunology 195, 1825-37, 2015.
Kato G, Yamashita K, Kondo H, Hirono I. Protective efficacy and immune responses induced by a DNA vaccine encoding codon-optimized PPA1 against Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida in Japanese flounder. Vaccine 33, 1040-1045, 2015.
Kato G, Takano T, Sakai T, Matsuyama T, Sano N, Nakayasu C. Cloning and expression analyses of a unique IgT in ayu Plecoglossus altivelis. Fisheries Science 81, 29-36, 2015.
Kato G, Suzuki K, Sakai T, Kawakami M, Takano T, Matsuyama T, Nakayasu C. The role of a specific antibody against Flavobacterium psychrophilum infection in ayu sweetfish, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846). Journal of Fish Diseases 38, 107-112, 2015.
Kato G, Kato K, Jirapongpairoj W, Kondo H, Hirono I. Development of DNA vaccines against Nocardia seriolae infection in fish. Fish Pathology 49, 165-172, 2014.
Kato G, Sakai T, Suzuki K, Sano N, Takano T, Matsuyama T, Nakayasu C. Protective efficacies and immune responses induced by recombinant HCD, atpD, and gdhA against bacterial cold-water disease in ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis). Fish and Shellfish Immunology 39, 396-400, 2014.
Kato G, Sakai T, Suzuki K, Yamaguchi K , Takano T, Matsuyama T, Nakayasu C. Antigenic proteins of Flavobacterium psychrophilum recognized by ayu Plecoglossus altivelis antisera. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 108, 103-112, 2014.
Kato G, Takano T, Sakai T, Matsuyama T, Nakayasu C. Vibrio anguillarum bacterin uptake via the gills of Japanese flounder and subsequent immune responses. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 35, 1591-1597, 2013.
Kato G, Goto K, Akune I, Aoka S, Kondo H, Hirono I. CD4 and CD8 homologues in Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus: Differences in the expressions and localizations of CD4-1, CD4-2, CD8α and CD8β. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 39, 293-301, 2013.
Kato G, Kondo H, Aoki T, Hirono I. Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccine induces non-specific immune responses in Japanese flounder against Nocardia seriolae. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 33, 243-250, 2012.
Nakajima N, Kijima M, Kawanishi M, Katou G, Futami K, Katagiri T, Endo M, Maita M. Analysis of immune response in yellowtail upon vaccination with a bivalent vaccine of Vibrio anguillarum and Lactococcus garvieae. Fish pathology 47, 12-19, 2012.
Ohtani M, Hikima J, Hwang SD, Morita T, Suzuki Y, Kato G, Kondo H, Hirono I, Jung TS, Aoki T. Transcriptional regulation of type I interferon gene expression by interferon regulatory factor-3 in Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 36, 697-706, 2012.
Kato G, Kondo H, Aok I T, Hirono I. A Novel immune-related gene, microtubule aggregate protein homologue, is up-regulated during IFN-γ-related immune responses in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 36, 349-358, 2012.
Kato G, Kondo H, Aoki T, Hirono I. Studies on the development of a vaccine against Mycobacterium sp. in: Bondad-Reantaso MG, Jones JB, Corsin F, Aoki T. (eds.). Proceedings of the Diseases in Asian Aquaculture VII, Fish Health Section, Asian Fisheries Society, Selangor, Malaysia, pp209-220, 2011.
Kato G, Kato K, Saito K, Pe Y, Kondo H, Aoki T, Hirono I. Vaccine efficacy of Mycobacterium bovis BCG against Mycobacterium sp. infection in amberjack Seriola dumerili. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 30, 467-472, 2011.
Kato G, Kondo H, Aoki T, Hirono I. BCG vaccine confers adaptive immunity against Mycobacterium sp. infection in fish. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 34, 133-140, 2010.