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学術研究院 食品生産科学部門

海洋科学部 食品生産科学科
大学院 食機能保全科学専攻(博士前期課程)
大学院 応用生命科学専攻(博士後期課程)




食物アレルギー、薬物アレルギー、食品の安全性、細胞培養、in vitro感作性試験法、魚種判別、遺伝子マーカー、SINE、rDNA、遺伝子クローニング、遺伝子発現解析、オオグソクムシ、昆虫食、


in vitro感作性試験法の開発、食物アレルゲン含有物質の簡便・迅速検出法の開発、水産物の反復配列の研究、抗原提示細胞のアレルゲン認識メカニズム、昆虫食におけるアレルゲン性解析


* 反復配列の種特異性を利用した水産系アレルギー表示推奨品目の迅速且つ簡便な検出法の開発
* 化学物質の新規in vitro感作性試験法の開発
* 昆虫タンパク質の食資源化とアレルゲン性解析




食物アレルギー・アレルゲン、cell based assay、遺伝子発現解析、遺伝子マーカー













学術研究院 食品生産科学部門

海洋科学部 食品生産科学科
大学院 食機能保全科学専攻(博士前期課程)
大学院 応用生命科学専攻(博士後期課程)


九州大学 農学部 農芸化学科 卒業
同 大学院 農学研究科 農芸化学専攻 修士課程 修了
同 大学院 医学系研究科 分子生命科学系専攻 博士課程 修了


製薬企業研究員、日本学術振興会特別研究員、国立公衆衛生院 主任研究官、国立医薬品食品衛生研究所 室長を経て、現職。




Molecular mechanism of the human L1 transcription


日本水産学会, 企画広報委会委員長


The Journal of Toxicological Sciences誌 Editorial Board









学術研究院 食品生産科学部門

海洋科学部 食品生産科学科
大学院 食機能保全科学専攻(博士前期課程)
大学院 応用生命科学専攻(博士後期課程)


Wei Cui, Hiroki Koyama, Kouichi Kurose
A highly sensitive detection of salmonids by real-time PCR targeting salmonid-specific retrotransposon Hpa I element.  Fish. Sci., published on-line.

Wei Cui, Hiroki Koyama, Kouichi Kurose,
Rapid and specific detection of mackerels of the genus Scomber using loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) , Fish Sci, published on-line,

Koyama H., Takahashi, Y., Matori S., Kuniyoshi H., Kurose K. A newly identified enzyme from Japanese common squid Todarodes pacificus has the ability to biosynthesize D-aspartate, Arch. Biochem. Biophys, 750, (2023), 109809

Comprehensive and species-specific detection of mackerels of the genus Scomber in processed foods using SYBR Green-based real-time PCR., Wei Cui, Yuki Sano, Hiroki Koyama, Kouichi Kurose, Fisheries Science, 89, 875–887 (2023), https://doi.org/10.1007/s12562-023-01725-2

Identification of gene expression markers and development of evaluation method using cell-based and RT-PCR-based assay for skin sensitising potential of chemicals. Maho Ukaji Nishikawa, Megumi Iwaki, Kosuke Tashiro & Kouichi Kurose, 2020, Xenobiotica, 50(11), 1359-1369, https://doi.org/10.1080/00498254.2020.1767320

クラゲによるアレルギーの1成人例, アレルギー, 2017, Vol. 66、(6), 804-808, 鈴木 慎太郎, 宮田 祐人, 神野 恵美, 岸野 康成, 本間 哲也, 大田 進, 田中 明彦, 横江 琢也, 大西 司, 相良 博典, 倉田 なおみ, 嶋倉 邦嘉, 黒瀬 光一

アルカリ塩水晒しによるアカアマダイBranchiostegus japonicus筋肉加熱ゲル形成能の改善, 日本水産学会誌, 2017, 83, 777-784, 髙橋 希元, 黒瀬 光一, 岡﨑 惠美子, 大迫 一史

A possible role for HLA-DRB1*04:06 in statin-related myopathy in Japanese patients
Sai, K. .....Kurose, K. et al. Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics 2016, 31(6), 467–470

Effect of various protease inhibitors on heat-induced myofibrillar protein degradation and gel-forming ability of red tilefish (Branchiostegus japonicus) meat
Takahashi, Kigen; Kurose, Koichi; Okazaki, Emiko; et al.Lwt-Food Science and Technology 2016, 68, 717-723

Development of a simple genotyping method for the HLA-A*31:01-tagging SNP in Japanese., K Maekawa, R Nakamura, N Kaniwa, Seiho Mizusawa, Aya Kitamoto, Takuya Kitamoto, M Ukaji, Y Matsuzawa, E Sugiyama, Y Uchida, Kouichi Kurose, et al., Pharmacogenomics, 2015, 16(15), 1689-1699

Generation of Enterocyte-Like Cells with Pharmacokinetic Functions from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Using Small-Molecule Compounds., Takahiro Iwao, Nao Kodama, Yuki Kondo, Tomoki Kabeya, Katsunori Nakamura, Takashi Horikawa, Takuro Niwa, Kouichi Kurose, and Tamihide Matsunaga Drug Metab Dispos.
2015, 43(4), 603-610.

Selective Culture Method for Hepatocyte-like Cells Differentiated from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. Kondo Y, Yoshihashi S, Mimori K, Ogihara R, Kanehama Y, Maki Y, Enosawa S, Kurose K, Iwao T, Nakamura K, Matsunaga T. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. 2014, 29(5), 407-413

Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Valproic Acid Promotes the Differentiation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells into Hepatocyte-Like Cells., Kondo Y, Iwao T, Yoshihashi S, Mimori K, Ogihara R, Nagata K, Kurose K, Saito M, Niwa T, Suzuki T, Miyata N, Ohmori S, Nakamura K, Matsunaga T., PLoS One, 2014, 9(8), e104010

Distal promoter regions are responsible for differential regulation of human orosomucoid-1 and -2 gene expression and acute phase responses., Sai K, Kurose K, et al. Biol Pharm Bull. 2014, 37(1):164-8

Specific HLA types are associated with antiepileptic drug-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis in Japanese subjects. Kaniwa N, Sugiyama E, Saito Y, Kurose K, et al. Pharmacogenomics. 2013,14(15):1821-31.

斎藤嘉朗、前川京子、田島陽子、児玉進、黒瀬光一,2013 ,レギュラトリーサイエンス学会誌,3 (1)43-55

A whole-genome association study of major determinants for allopurinol-related Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis in Japanese patients. Tohkin M, Kaniwa N, Saito Y, Sugiyama E, Kurose K, et al. Pharmacogenomics J. 2013,13(1):60-9.

副作用バイオマーカーの探索と臨床応用研究の現状について, 斎藤嘉朗,中村亮介,黒瀬光一, 臨床病理レビュー, 2013, 特集150号,27-33

GWASを用いた副作用リスク因子マーカーの網羅的解析, 黒瀬光一,鹿庭なほ子,斎藤嘉朗, 2013, 臨床薬理, 44 (2), 89-94

ゲノム情報に基づいた副作用予測, 黒瀬光一,斎藤嘉朗, 2012, 日本臨牀, 70 (増刊号6), 18-24.

Quality requirements for genomic DNA preparations and storage conditions for a high-density oligonucleotide microarray, Kurose K, Koizumi T, Nishikawa J, Maekawa K, Saito Y. Biol Pharm Bull. 2012;35(10):1846-8.

Genetic polymorphisms of FCGR2A encoding Fcγ receptor IIa in a Japanese population and functional analysis of the L273P variant, Tada M, Ishii-Watabe A, Maekawa K, Fukushima-Uesaka H, Kurose K,et al., Immunogenetics. 2012;64(12):869-77.

Genome-wide association study of SSRI/SNRI-induced sexual dysfunction in a Japanese cohort with major depression., Kurose K, Hiratsuka K, Ishiwata K, et al., Psychiatry Res. 2012;198(3):424-9.

Development of a rapid and inexpensive assay for detecting a surrogate genetic polymorphism of HLA-B*58:01: a partially predictive but useful biomarker for allopurinol-related Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis in Japanese, Maekawa K, Nishikawa J, Kaniwa N, Sugiyama E, Koizumi T, Kurose K, et al., Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. 2012;27(4):447-50

Population differences in major functional polymorphisms of pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics-related genes in Eastern Asians and Europeans: implications in the clinical trials for novel drug development., Kurose K, Sugiyama E, Saito Y., Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. 2012;27(1):9-54.

Genetic variation and haplotype structures of the glutathione S-transferase genes, GSTA1 and GSTA2 in Japanese colorectal cancer patients. Maekawa K, Hamaguchi T, Saito Y, Tatewaki N, Kurose K, et al. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 2011, 26 (6)646~658

Genetic variations of orosomucoid genes associated with serum alpha-1-acid glycoprotein level and the pharmacokinetics of paclitaxel in Japanese cancer patients. Katori N, Sai K, Saito Y, Fukushima-Uesaka H, Kurose K, et al. J. Pharm. Sci. 2011, 100(10), 4546~4559

Genetic polymorphisms and haplotypes of POR, encoding cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase, in a Japanese population. Saito Y, Yamamoto N, Katori N, Maekawa K, Fukushima-Uesaka H, Sugimoto D, Kurose K, et al. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 2011, 26(1), 107~116

Functional analysis of genetic variations in the 5'-flanking region of the human MDR1 gene. Saeki M, Kurose K, Hasegawa R, Tohkin M, Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 2011, 102(1), 91~98

Prediction of severe adverse drug reactions from pharmacogenetic biomarkers, drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics. Tohkin M, Ishiguro A, Kaniwa N, Saito Y, Kurose K, Hasegawa R, Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 2010, 25 (2), 122~133

HLA-B*1511 is a risk factor for carbamazepine-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis in Japanese patients. Kaniwa N, Saito Y, Aihara M, Matsunaga K, Tohkin M, Kurose K, et al. Epilepsia 2010, 51(12)2461~2465

Genetic polymorphisms of FCGRT encoding FcRn in a Japanese population and their functional analysis. Ishii-Watabe A, Saito Y, Suzuki T, Tada M, Ukaji M, Maekawa K, Kurose K,et al. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 2010, 25(6), 578~587

Genetic polymorphisms of copper- and platinum drug- efflux transporters ATP7A and ATP7B in Japanese cancer patients. Fukushima-Uesaka H, Saito Y, Maekawa K, Kurose K,et al. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 2009, 24(6), 565~574

Genetic variations and haplotype structures of the glutathione S-transferase genes, GSTT1 and GSTM1, in a Japanese patient population. Tatewaki N, Maekawa K, Katori N, Kurose K, et al. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 2009, 24(1), 118~126

Identification of the functional vitamin D response elements in the human MDR1 gene. M Saeki, K Kurose, M Tohkin, R Hasegawa, Biochemical Pharmacology, 2008, 76(4):531-542.

Thyroid hormone receptor mediates human MDR1 gene expression — identification of the response region essential for gene expression —., K Kurose, M Saeki, M Tohkin, R Hasegawa, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2008, 474(1), 82-90.

HLA-B locus in Japanese patients with anti-epileptics and allopurinol-related Stevens- Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis., Kaniwa N, Saito Y, Aihara M, Matsunaga K, Tohkin M, Kurose K, et al., 2008, Pharmacogenomics, 9 (11), 1617-1622.

Impact of CYP3A4 haplotypes on irinotecan pharmacokinetics in Japanese cancer patients., Sai K, Saito Y, Fukushima-Uesaka H, Kurose K, et al., 2008, Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 62 (3), 529-537.

Genetic variations and haplotypes of ABCC2 encoding MRP2 in a Japanese population., Nishimaki-Mogami T, Ozawa S, Maekawa K, Kurose K, et al., 2008, Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet., 23 (2), 139-147.

Importance of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 *6 for irinotecan toxicities in Japanese cancer patients., Sai K, Saito Y, Sakamoto H, Shirao K, Kurose K, et al., 2008, Cancer Lett., 261 (2), 165-171.

CYP2C8 haplotype structures and their influence on pharmacokinetics of paclitaxel in a Japanese population., Saito Y, Katori N, Soyama A, Nakajima Y, Yoshitani T, Kim SR, Fukushima-Uesaka H, Kurose K, et al., Pharmacogenetics and Genomics, 2007 , 17 (7), 461-471

Difference in nucleocytoplasmic shuttling sequences of rat and human constitutive active/androstane receptor., Kanno Y, Suzuki M, Miyazaki Y, Matsuzaki M, Nakahama T, Kurose K, Sawada J, Inouye Y., 2007, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1773 (6), 939-944.

Genetic variations and haplotype structures of the DPYD gene encoding dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase in Japanese and their ethnic differences., Maekawa K, Saeki M, Saito Y, Ozawa S, Kurose K, et al., 2007, J. Hum. Genet., 52 (10), 804-819.

Genetic variations and frequencies of major haplotypes in SLCO1B1 encoding the transporter OATP1B1 in Japanese subjects : SLCO1B1*17 is more prevalent than *15., Kim SR, Saito Y, Sai K, Kurose K, et al., 2007, Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet., 22 (6), 456-461.

Fourteen novel genetic variations and haplotype structures of the TYMS gene encoding human thymidylate synthase (TS)., Kim SR, Ozawa S, Saito Y, Kurose K, et al., 2006, Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet., 21 (6), 509-516

Genetic variations and haplotype structures of the ABCB1 gene in a Japanese population: an expanded haplotype block covering the distal promoter region, and associated ethnic differences., Sai K, Itoda M, Saito Y, Kurose K, et al., 2006, Ann. Hum. Genet., 70 (5), 605-622.

Impact of the haplotype CYP3A4*16B harboring the Thr185Ser substitution on paclitaxel metabolism in Japanese patients with cancer., Nakajima Y, Yoshitani T, Fukushima-Uesaka H, Saito Y, Kaniwa N, Kurose K, et al., 2006, Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 80 (2), 179-191.

Haplotype structures of the UGT1A gene complex in a Japanese population., 2006
Saeki M, Saito Y, Jinno H, Sai K, Ozawa S, Kurose K, et al., 2006, Pharmacogenomics J., 6 (1), 63-75.,

Identification of regulatory sites in the human PXR (NR1I2) promoter region.
Kurose K, Ikeda S, Koyano S, Tohkin M, Hasegawa R, Sawada J., 2006, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 281 (1-2), 35-43.

5' diversity of human hepatic PXR (NR1I2) transcripts and identification of the major transcription initiation site
Author(s): Kurose, K.; Koyano, S.; Ikeda, S.; et al.
Source: Mol Cell Biochem Volume: 273 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 79-85 Published: 2005

Title: Functional analysis of four naturally occurring variants of human constitutive androstane receptor
Author(s): Ikeda, S.; Kurose, K.; Jinno, H.; et al.
Source: Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Volume: 86 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 314-319 Published: 2005

Title: Novel genetic polymorphisms in the NR3C1 (glucocorticoid receptor) gene in a Japanese population
Author(s): Koyano, S.; Saito, Y.; Sai, K.; et al.
Source: Drug Metab Pharmacokinet Volume: 20 Issue: 1 Pages: 79-84 Published: 2005

Title: Racial variability in haplotype frequencies of UGT1A1 and glucuronidation activity of a novel single nucleotide polymorphism 686C > T (P229L) found in an African-American
Author(s): Kaniwa, N.; Kurose, K.; Jinno, H.; et al.
Source: Drug Metabolism and Disposition Volume: 33 Issue: 3 Pages: 458-465 Published: 2005

Title: Transcription factor NF2d9 (LBP-1a) interacts with the positive regulatory element for the xenobiotic responsive element
Author(s): Kurose, K.; Tohkin, M.; Hasegawa, R.
Source: Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Gene Structure and Expression Volume: 1727 Issue: 2 Pages: 141-144 Published: 2005









学術研究院 食品生産科学部門

海洋科学部 食品生産科学科
大学院 食機能保全科学専攻(博士前期課程)
大学院 応用生命科学専攻(博士後期課程)




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