

















Undergraduate program: Earth Science, Introduction to Earth Science I, Earth Science (lab classes), Seafloor Geoscience I, Natural Science, General Oceanography, Seafloor Geoscience II, Seafloor Geoscience (lab classes)
Graduate program: Seafloor Geochemistry
PhD program: Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems


marine geochemistry, marine geology, marine mineral deposits, mineralogy, isotope systematics, seafloor hydrothermal deposits, seafloor Fe-Mn crusts and nodules


• Seafloor hydrothermal deposits and fluids: geochemistry, mineralogy, MOR, BAB;
• Isotope (stable and radiogenic) systematics of seafloor hydrothermal systems;
• Seafloor Fe-Mn crusts and nodules: geochemistry, mineralogy, isotope systematics;
• Shelf and riverine sediments: geochemistry, mineralogy, lithology;
• Marine and riverine suspended matter: geochemistry and mineralogy;
• Clays: mineralogy, crystal chemistry and origin;
• Meteorites: geochemistry and mineralogy;
• Weathering and deterioration of stone monuments.




I have 27-year research experience and 21-year teaching experience as a University Professor (7 years at Assistant Professor and 14 years at Associate Professor levels). During my career I have obtained 28 post-doctoral scholarships and research grants. I have worked in different geochemical and mineralogical labs (University of Kiel, Germany; GEOMAR, Germany; University of Antwerp, Belgium; Institute of Marine Geology, Italy; Natural History Museum - London, UK; Natural History Museum - Stockholm, Sweden; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA; IFREMER, France) using a range of methods: SEM, EMP, PIXE, RBS, NRA, XRF, XRD, ICP-MS, MC-ICP-MS, AAS, FTIR. As a result of my work I have published 69 scientific papers.
My main research interests lie in understanding the processes of seafloor mineral deposition. Geochemistry (including stable and radiogenic isotopes) and mineralogy (sulfide, silicate, carbonate, oxyhydroxide minerals) of metalliferous sediments, massive sulfides, Fe-Mn crusts and nodules are the main topics I have addressed in my career. Being flexible I sometimes had to switch from marine geochemical problems to the geochemical and mineralogical aspects of riverine input to the ocean. Studies on the aerosols above the sea and aerosols’ contribution to seawater composition and marine sedimentation showed me that the “small” and “invisible” might be more important than the “big” and “evident”. I have “sailed” from polar to tropical seas and from shelf basins through the open ocean to back-arc basins and have addressed a number of questions ranging from seafloor hydrothermal deposition to shelf sedimentation. Although my work seems to be spanned over different aspects of Geology it has kept a main focus: geochemistry and mineralogy of seafloor mineral deposition. The scope of topics was wide-ranging: from geochemistry of major, trace and rare earth elements to mineralogy of sulfides, native metals, carbonates, oxyhydroxides and clays in hydrothermal deposits from mid-ocean ridges, volcanic arcs and back-arc basins. An important aspect of my research experience is the application of isotope geochemistry (O, S, Fe, Cu, Zn, Sr, Nd, Pb) to understand the processes of hydrothermal, hydrogenetic and diagenetic deposition at the seafloor.


Marine Mineral Deposits, Clay Minerals, Geochemistry, Mineralogy


(1) magmatic input to the seafloor hydrothermal systems and magmatic contribution to the metal budget of the sulfide deposits using non-traditional isotopes (Fe, Cu, Zn and Cd);
(2) alteration of the oceanic crust and clay mineral precipitation due to fluid-rock interaction;
(3) Fe-Mn-nodules and crusts as possible metal resources and archives of ocean history;
(4) biogeochemistry of seafloor hydrothermal systems and microbial fixation of toxic elements (As, Hg, Sb);
(5) hydrothermal processes at continental rifts and “embryonic” oceans that present transition from rifting to spreading;
(6) metallogeny of intra-oceanic arcs;
(7) sedimentation in marine anoxic basins;
(8) elemental budget of rivers with particular chemistry (extremely enriched in some elements) and riverine flux to the ocean.


1. Seafloor hydrothermal deposits and their alteration: Ore body preservation and impact on the oceanic elemental budget.
2. Seafloor Fe-Mn-oxyhydroxide deposits: Source for trace metals and archives of palaeo-environmental conditions.
3. Seafloor hydrothermal fluid-rock interaction and clay mineral formation: Relations to the food chain of deep biosphere and paleo-environmental implications.
4. Shallow-water hydrothermal systems at volcanic arcs: Does the seafloor hydrothermal activity cure the oceanic “anaemia”?


Mineral resources of the seafloor











• 2012: Qualification for University Professor (in France); No of qualification: 12135227659 in section #35 (Structure and evolution of the Earth and other planets), French Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
• 10.1987 - 03.1991: Ph.D. in Geology and Mineralogy, Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
• 10.1986 - 07.1987: M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics, Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria.
• 09.1981 - 07.1986: M.Sc. in Geology and Prospecting for Minerals, University of Mining and Geology, Sofia, Bulgaria.


• 11.2016 – recent: Professor, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan.
• 05.2016 – 07.2016: Research Scientist (Alexander von Humboldt fellow), Institute of Geosciences, Department of Geology, University of Kiel, Germany.
• 07.2015 – 04.2016: Research Scientist (LabexMER fellow), IUEM-IFREMER (Laboratory of Geochemistry and Metallogeny, Department of Marine Geosciences), France.
• 02.2011 - 06.2015: Research Scientist (Marie Curie fellow, 02.2011 - 02.2013) and supernumerary fellow (03.2013 - 06.2015), Laboratory of Geochemistry and Metallogeny, Department of Marine Geosciences, IFREMER, France.
• 06.1992 - 03.2013 (with breaks for fellowships and research visits in other institutions): Assistant Professor (06.1992-10.1993), Senior Assistant Professor (10.1993-05.1995), Chief Assistant Professor (05.1995-07.1998), and Associate Professor (07.1998-03.2013), Department of Geology and Palaeontology, University of Sofia, Bulgaria.
• 07-09.2009: Research Scientist (Alexander von Humboldt fellow), GEOMAR – Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel, Germany.
• 08-09.2008: Visiting Scientist (Mary Sears fellow), Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, USA.
• 08-10.2005; 05-07.2006; 02-03.2008: Visiting Scientist (Royal Society), Natural History Museum London, UK.
• 12.2001 - 05.2002; 04-05.2005: Research Scientist (CNR-NATO fellow), Institute of Marine Geology, CNR, Bologna, Italy.
• 10.1996 - 03.1997; 05-09.1998; 04.2000; 08-09.2007; 05-07.2008; 06-07.2010: Research Scientist, Department of Chemistry, University of Antwerp, Belgium.
• 08-09.1996; 10.2002 - 09.2003; 07-09.2004: Research Scientist (DAAD and Alexander von Humboldt fellow), Department of Geology and Palaeontology, University of Kiel, Germany.
• 04.1991 - 05.1992: Research Associate, Laboratory of Physical-Geological Researches, Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.


Ph.D. in Geology and Mineralogy


Characteristic features of sedimentation at seafloor hydrothermal sites: East Pacific Rise 21°S, defended with highest honour: 05.06.1992, #011054. Supervisor: Professor Alexander P. Lisitsin.


• Member: American Geophysical Union, Bulgarian Mineralogical Society.
• Associate Editor:
(1) Marine Geology, 2012 – present;
(2) Geologos, 2009 – present;
(3) Annales Géologiques de la Péninsule Balkanique, 2004 – present.



• 2013-2014: Marine Geology Award: one of the three most active and constructive Editorial Board members.
• 2014: Brian J. Skinner Award for outstanding paper published in Economic Geology for de Ronde et al. (2014).
• 2013: Mineralium Deposita Best Paper Award for de Ronde et al. (2011).
• 1996: Best Young Scientist Achievement Award, Union of the Scientists in Bulgaria.










35. Dekov, V.M., Rouxel, O., Kouzmanov, K., Bindi, L., Asael, D., Fouquet, Y., Etoubleau, J., Burgaud, G., Wälle, M., 2016. Enargite-luzonite hydrothermal vents in Manus Back-Arc Basin: Submarine analogues of high-sulfidation epithermal mineralization. Chemical Geology, 438; 36-57.
34. Dekov, V.M., Lalonde, S.V., Kamenov, G.D., Bayon, G., Shanks, W.C., Fortin, D., Fouquet, Y., Moscati, R.J., 2015. Geochemistry and mineralogy of a silica chimney from an inactive seafloor hydrothermal field (East Pacific Rise, 18°S). Chemical Geology, 415; 126-140.
33. Dekov, V.M., Egueh, N.M., Kamenov, G.D., Bayon, G., Lalonde, S.V., Schmidt, M., Liebetrau, V., Munnik, F., Fouquet, Y., Tanimizu, M., Awaleh, M.O., Guirreh, I., Le Gall, B., 2014. Hydrothermal carbonate chimneys from a continental rift (Afar Rift): Mineralogy, geochemistry and mode of formation. Chemical Geology, 387; 87-100.
32. Dekov, V.M., Vanlierde, E., Billström, K., Garbe-Schönberg, C.-D., Weiss, D., Gatto Rotondo, G., Van Meel, K., Kuzmann, E., Fortin, D., Darchuk, L., Van Grieken, R., 2014. Ferrihydrite precipitation in groundwater-fed river systems (Nete and Demer river basins, Belgium): Insights from a combined Fe-Zn-Sr-Nd-Pb-isotope study. Chemical Geology, 386; 1-15.
31. Dekov, V.M., Rouxel, O., Asael, D., Hålenius, U., Munnik, F., 2013. Native Cu from the oceanic crust: Isotopic insights into native metal origin. Chemical Geology, 359; 136-149.
30. Dekov, V.M., Bindi, L., Burgaud, G., Petersen, S., Asael, D., Rédou, V., Fouquet, Y., Pracejus, B., 2013. Inorganic and biogenic As-sulfide precipitation at seafloor hydrothermal fields. Marine Geology, 342; 28-38.
29. Dekov, V.M., Kamenov, G.D., Abrasheva, M.D., Capaccioni, B., Munnik, F., 2013. Mineralogical and geochemical investigation of seafloor massive sulfides from Panarea Platform (Aeolian Arc, Tyrrhenian Sea). Chemical Geology, 335; 136-148.
28. Dekov, V., Boycheva, T., Hålenius, U., Billström, K., Kamenov, G.D., Shanks, W.C., Stummeyer, J., 2011. Mineralogical and geochemical evidence for hydrothermal activity at the west wall of 12°50´N core complex (Mid-Atlantic Ridge): A new ultramafic-hosted seafloor hydrothermal deposit? Marine Geology, 288, 1-4; 90-102.
27. Dekov, V., Boycheva, T., Hålenius, U., Petersen, S., Billström, K., Stummeyer, J., Kamenov, G., Shanks, W., 2011. Atacamite and paratacamite from the ultramafic-hosted Logatchev seafloor vent field (14°45′N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Chemical Geology, 286, 3-4; 169-184.
26. Cuadros, J., Dekov, V.M., Arroyo, X., Nieto, F., 2011. Smectite formation in submarine hydrothermal sediments: samples from the HMS Challenger expedition (1872-1876). Clays and Clay Minerals, 59, 2; 147-164.
25. Dekov, V.M., Petersen, S., Garbe-Schönberg, C.-D., Kamenov, G.D., Perner, M., Kuzmann, E., Schmidt, M., 2010. Fe-Si-oxyhydroxide deposits at a slow-spreading centre with thickened oceanic crust: The Lilliput hydrothermal field (9°33´S, Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Chemical Geology, 278, 3-4; 186-200.
24. Dekov, V.M., Cuadros, J., Kamenov, G.D., Weiss, D., Arnold, T., Basak, C., Rochette, P., 2010. Metalliferous sediments from the H.M.S. Challenger voyage (1872-1876). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, 17; 5019-5038.
23. Dekov, V.M., Arnaudov, V., Munnik, F., Boycheva, T.B., Fiore, S., 2009. Native aluminum: Does it exist? American Mineralogist, 94, 8-9; 1283-1286.
22. Dekov, V.M., Kamenov, G.D., Savelli, C., Stummeyer, J., Thiry, M., Shanks, W.C., Willingham, A.L., Boycheva, T.B., Rochette, P., Kuzmann, E., Fortin, D., Vértes, A., 2009. Metalliferous sediments from Eolo Seamount (Tyrrhenian Sea): Hydrothermal deposition and re-deposition in a zone of oxygen depletion. Chemical Geology, 264, 1-4; 347-363.
21. Dekov, V.M., Hålenius, U., Billström, K., Kamenov, G.D., Munnik, F., Eriksson, L., Dyer, A., Schmidt, M., Botz, R., 2009. Native Sn-Pb droplets in a zeolitic amygdale (Isle of Mull, Inner Hebrides). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, 10; 2907-2919.
20. Kamenov, G.D., Dekov, V.M., Willingham, A.L., Savelli, C., Bellucci, L.G., 2009. Anthropogenic Pb in recent hydrothermal sediments from the Tyrrhenian Sea: Implications for seawater Pb control on low-temperature hydrothermal systems. Geology, 37, 2; 111-114.
19. Dekov, V., Scholten, J., Garbe-Schönberg, C.-D., Botz, R., Cuadros, J., Schmidt, M., Stoffers, P., 2008. Hydrothermal sediment alteration at a seafloor vent field: Grimsey Graben, Tjörnes Fracture Zone, north of Iceland. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 113, B11101, doi:10.1029/2007JB005526.
18. Cuadros, J., Dekov, V.M., Fiore, S., 2008. Crystal chemistry of the mixed-layer sequence talc – talc-smectite – smectite from submarine hydrothermal vents. American Mineralogist, 93; 1338-1348.
17. Dekov, V.M., Cuadros, J., Shanks, W.C., Koski, R.A., 2008. Deposition of talc – kerolite-smectite – smectite at seafloor hydrothermal vent fields: Evidence from mineralogical, geochemical and oxygen isotope studies. Chemical Geology, 247; 171-194.
16. Dekov, V.M., Kamenov, G.D., Stummeyer, J., Thiry, M., Savelli, C., Shanks, W.C., Fortin, D., Kuzmann, E., Vértes, A., 2007. Hydrothermal nontronite formation at Eolo Seamount (Aeolian volcanic arc, Tyrrhenian Sea). Chemical Geology, 245; 103-119.
15. Dekov, V.M., Molin, G.M., Dimova, M., Griggio, C., Rajta, I., Uzonyi, I., 2007. Cosmic spherules from metalliferous sediments: A long journey to the seafloor. N. Jb. Miner. Abh., 183; 269-282.
14. Dekov, V.M., 2007. Native Hgliq in the metalliferous sediments of East Pacific Rise (21°S). Marine Geology, 238; 107-113.
13. Dekov, V.M., Kamenov, G.D., Savelli, C., Stummeyer, J., Marchig, V., 2007. Origin of basal dolomitic claystone in the Marsili Basin, Tyrrhenian Sea. Marine Geology, 236; 121-141.
12. Dekov, V.M., Scholten, J.C., Botz, R., Garbe-Schönberg, C.-D., Stoffers, P., 2007. Fe-Mn-(hydr)oxide-carbonate crusts from the Kebrit Deep, Red Sea: Precipitation at the seawater/brine redoxcline. Marine Geology, 236; 95-119.
11. Dekov, V., 2006. Native nickel in the TAG hydrothermal field sediments (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 26°N): Space trotter, guest from mantle, or a widespread mineral, connected with serpentinization? Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 111, B05103, doi:10.1029/2005JB003955.
10. Dekov, V.M., Kamenov, G.D., Savelli, C., Stummeyer, J., 2006. Anthropogenic Pb component in hydrothermal ochres from Marsili Seamount (Tyrrhenian Sea). Marine Geology, 229; 199-208.
9. Dekov, V.M., Scholten, J., Botz, R., Garbe-Schönberg, C.-D., Thiry, M., Stoffers, P., Schmidt, M., 2005. Occurrence of kaolinite and mixed-layer kaolinite/smectite in hydrothermal sediments of Grimsey Graben, Tjörnes Fracture Zone (north of Iceland). Marine Geology, 215; 159-170.
8. Dekov, V.M., Savelli, C., 2004. Hydrothermal activity in the SE Tyrrhenian Sea: an overview of 30 years of research. Marine Geology, 204; 161-185.
7. Dekov, V.M., Marchig, V., Rajta, I., Uzonyi, I., 2003. Fe-Mn micronodules born in the metalliferous sediments of two spreading centers: East Pacific Rise and Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Marine Geology, 199; 101-121.
6. Jambers, W., Dekov, V., Van Grieken, R., 2000. Single particle and inorganic characterization of rainwater collected above the North Sea. The Science of the Total Environment, 256; 133-150.
5. Dekov, V.M., Damyanov, Z.K., Kamenov, G.D., Bonev, I.K., Bogdanov, K.B., 1999. Native copper and α-copper-zinc in sediments from the TAG hydrothermal field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 26°N): nature and origin. Marine Geology, 161; 229-245.
4. Dekov, V.M., Van Put, A., Eisma, D., Van Grieken, R., 1999. Single particle analysis of suspended matter in the Makasar Strait and Flores Sea with particular reference to tin-bearing particles. Journal of Sea Research, 41; 35-53.
3. Jambers, W., Dekov, V., Van Grieken, R., 1999. Single particle characterization of inorganic and organic North Sea suspension. Marine Chemistry, 67; 17-32.
2. Dekov, V.M., Araújo, F., Van Grieken, R., Subramanian, V., 1998. Chemical composition of sediments and suspended matter from the Cauvery and Brahmaputra rivers (India). The Science of the Total Environment, 212; 89-105.
1. Dekov, V.M., Komy, Z., Araújo, F., Van Put, A., Van Grieken, R., 1997. Chemical composition of sediments, suspended matter, river water and ground water of the Nile (Aswan-Sohag traverse). The Science of the Total Environment, 201; 195-210.


Dekov, V.M., 1994. Hydrothermal Sedimentation in Pacific Ocean. Moscow, Nauka; 208 pp. (in Russian).











Tower-like structures composed of metal sulfides, pavements of black nodules rich in Cu, Ni and Co, and black crusts enveloping the summits of seamounts and rich in platinum group elements are among the most spectacular mineral deposits found on the seafloor. Attracted by the beauty of these mineral manifestations I study their chemistry and mineral composition trying to understand the mode of their formation, processes of metal concentration and their economic potential. I will be happy to share my experience with young people who are eager to learn more about the processes of mineral formation at the seafloor.


As a little boy I was thrilled by the secrets of the vast ocean and romantics of the voyages of the great sailors. At school, I realized that the time of geographic discoveries was replaced by the era of high-tech investigations of the Deep Ocean. The treasures of the deeps have continued to stir the imagination of people. No, not the treasures of sunken ships of merchants coming from the New World or those of pirates, but the riches of metal deposits that form at the seafloor. This new aspect of the treasures of the deeps brought me to the University of Mining and Geology in Sofia (Bulgaria) where as a student I delved into the world of mineralogy, geochemistry and ore geology. The beauty of minerals and the perfection of chemical laws took me to the Institute of Oceanology in Moscow (Russia) where I started my doctoral studies on the mineral deposits at the seafloor. Following my scientific curiosity and guidance by a number of great people I was lucky to work with, I discovered a world of total darkness, enormous pressure and far away from the continents, a world of beauty and horror, where giant fields of manganese nodules, polymetallic sulfides and ferromanganese crusts form. Using mineralogy and geochemistry as tools I continue to study the secrets of these metal-rich deposits. I try to understand the mechanisms that govern their formation and metal concentration. Intelligent use of these future mineral resources requires proper knowledge of their mineralogy, geochemistry and mode of formation and my research contributes to this important goal. I am eager to share the knowledge I gained during the years of investigation of this amazing underwater world with young people enthusiastic to learn about the exploration of the Ocean.

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