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1999年 3月 東京水産大学 資源育成学科卒業
2001年 3月 東京水産大学 水産学研究科 修士課程修了
2004年 9月 東京水産大学 水産学研究科 博士課程修了
2005年 4月-2020年11月 日本水産株式会社 中央研究所 研究員
2004年 9月 博士(水産学)
T Morita, M Miwa, N Kumakura, K Morishima, T Miki, Y Takeuchi, G Yoshizaki. 2021. Production of functional sperm from cryopreserved testicular germ cells following intraperitoneal transplantation into allogeneic surrogate in yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata). Cryobiology, in press.
R Yazawa, T Kubokawa, K Ichida, W Kawamura, R Tani, S Kamio, T Morita, G Yoshizaki. 2021. Establishment of a tracing technique for transplanted bluefin tuna germ cells in recipient's gonads using monoclonal antibodies specifically recognizing bluefin tuna spermatogenic cells. Fish Sci 87: 105-112.
W Kawamura, R Tani, H Yahagi, S Kamio, T Morita, Y Takeuchi, R Yazawa, G Yoshizaki. 2020. Suitability of hybrid mackerel (Scomber australasicus × S. japonicus) with germ cell-less sterile gonads as a recipient for transplantation of bluefin tuna germ cells. Gen Comp Endocrinol 295: 113525.
W Kawamura, R Yazawa, R Tani, Y Takeuchi, T Morita, H Yoshikawa, G Yoshizaki. 2020. Development of a simple method for sperm cryopreservation of Scombridae fishes in outdoor environments. Aquacult Res 51: 3376-3383.
K Ichida, K Kise, T Morita, R Yazawa , Y Takeuchi, G Yoshizaki. 2017. Flow-cytometric enrichment of Pacific bluefin tuna type A spermatogonia based on light- scattering properties. Theriogenology 101: 91-98.
A Hagiwara, HJ Kim, H Matsumoto, Y Ohta, T Morita, A Hatanaka, R Ishizuka, Y Sakakura. 2016. Production and use of two marine zooplanktons, Tigriopus japonicus and Diaphanosoma celebensis, as live food for red sea bream Pagrus major larvae. Fish Sci, 82: 799-809.
T Morita, K Morishima, M Miwa, N Kumakura, S Kudo, K Ichida, T Mitsuboshi, Y Takeuchi, G Yoshizaki. 2015. Functional sperm of the yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata) were produced in the small-bodied surrogate, jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus). Mar Biotechnol 17: 644-654.
M Sato, T Morita, N Katayama, G Yoshizaki. 2014. Production of genetically diversified fish seeds using spermatogonial transplantation. Aquaculture 422-423: 218-224.
R Yazawa, Y Takeuchi, T Morita, M Ishida, G Yoshizaki. 2013. The pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) dead end gene is suitable as a specific molecular marker of type A spermatogonia. Mol Reprod Dev 80: 871-880.
T Morita, N Kumakura, K Morishima, T Mitsuboshi, M Ishida, T Hara, S Kudo, M Miwa, S Ihara, K Higuchi, Y Takeuchi, G Yoshizaki. 2012. Production of donor-derived offspring by allogeneic transplantation of spermatogonia in the yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata). Biol Reprod 86: 176, 1-11.
K Nagasawa, M Miwa, R Yazawa, T Morita, Y Takeuchi, G Yoshizaki. 2012. Characterization of lymphocyte antigen 75 (Ly75/CD205) as a potential cell-surface marker on spermatogonia in Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis. Fish Sci 78: 791-800.
SMSN Lacerda, GMJ Costa, PHA Campos-Junior, TM Segatelli, R Yazawa, Y Takeuchi, T Morita, G Yoshizaki, LR França. 2013. Germ Cell Transplantation as a Potential Biotechnological Approach to Fish Reproduction. Fish Physiol Biochem 39: 3-11.
G Yoshizaki, T Okutsu, T Morita, M Terasawa, R Yazawa, Y Takeuchi. 2012. Biological characteristics of fish germ cells and their application to developmental biotechnology. Reprod Domest Anim 47 (Suppl 4): 187-192.
森田哲朗・吉崎悟朗.2011.ニジマス初期胚を利用したヒトα1-アンチトリプシンの生産.水産育種 40: 113-120.
K Nagasawa, Y Takeuchi, M Miwa, K Higuchi, T Morita, T Mitsuboshi, K Miyaki, K Kadomura, G Yoshizaki. 2009. cDNA cloning and expression analysis of vasa-like gene in pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientails. Fish Sci 75: 71-79.
Y Hayakawa, T Morita, W Kitamura, S Matsumoto, A Banba, H Nagaya, K Hotta, YC Sohn, G Yoshizaki, M Kobayashi. 2008. Biological activities of single-chain goldfish follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. Aquaculture 274: 408-415.
S Kobayashi, Alimuddin, T Morita, M Miwa, J Lu, M Endo, T Takeuchi, G Yoshizaki. 2007. Transgenic Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) over-expressing growth hormone show reduced ammonia excretion. Aquaculture 270: 427-435.
M Kobayashi, T Morita, K Ikeguchi, G Yoshizaki, T Suzuki, S Watabe. 2006. in vivo biological activity of recombinant goldfish gonadtropins produced by baculovirus in silkworm larvae. Aquaculture 256: 433-442.
AK Biswas, T Morita, G Yoshizaki, M Maita, T Takeuchi. 2005. Control of reproduction in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.) by photoperiod manipulation. Aquaculture 243: 229-239.
T Morita, G Yoshizaki, M Kobayashi, S Watabe, T Takeuchi. 2004. Fish egg as bioreactors:the production of bioactive luteinizing hormone in transgenic trout embryos. Transgenic Res 13: 551-557.
T Morita, G Yoshizaki, M Kobayashi, T Takeuchi. 2003. Production of biologically-acitve recombinant goldfish gonadotropins in transgenic rainbow trout. Fish Physiol Biochem 28: 473-474.
M Kobayashi, T Morita, K Ikeguchi, G Yoshizaki, T Suzuki, S. Watabe. 2003. Production of recombinant goldfish gonadotropins by baculovirus in silkworm larvae. Fish Physiol Biochem 28: 469-471.
S Boonanuntanasarn, G Yoshizaki, Y Takeuchi, T Morita, T Takeuchi. 2002. Gene knock-down in rainbow trout embryos using antisense morpholino phosphorodiamidate oligonucleotides. Mar Biotechnol 4: 256-266.
M Kobayashi, YC Sohn, T Morita, G Yoshizaki, Y Hayakawa, H Nagaya and T Suzuki. 2010. 「Production of recombinant fish gonadotropins by baculovirus in silkworm larvae and their in vivo biological.」Aquaculture Research Progress, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.,pp.11-21.
森田哲朗・吉崎悟朗・小林牧人・渡部終五・竹内俊郎,2007.「ニジマス受精卵を用いたヒトのタンパク質生産技術の開発」バイオプロセスハンドブック バイオケミカルエンジニアリングの基礎から有用物質生産・環境調和技術まで.NTS, pp.485-489.