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STRUSSMANN, Carlos Augusto
TEL03-5463-0541 FAX 03-5463-0541
STRUSSMANN, Carlos Augusto
昭和58年 7月 国立Rio Grande do Sul大学(ブラジル)農学部卒業
昭和59年 9月 大阪外国語大学別科(日本語)修了
昭和62年 3月 東京水産大学大学院水産学研究科博士前期課程修了
平成 2年 3月 東京水産大学大学院水産学研究科博士後期課程修了
昭和59年10月 東京水産大学研究生
平成 2年 7月 東京水産大学水産学部助手
平成 8年 5月〜12月 米国テキサス工科大学客員研究員(東京水産大学創立百周年記念学術研究奨励基金事業
平成10年10月 東京学芸大学教育学部非常勤講師 (生体鉱物学) 現在に至る
平成14年 7月 東京水産大学水産学部助教授 (生物資源学)
平成15年10月 東京海洋大学海洋科学部助教授 (水産動物学入門等) 現在に至る
水産学博士(東京水産大学,第4号,平成 2年)
Basic studies on the seed production of pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis (ペヘレイの種苗生産に関する基礎的研究)
World Aquaculture Society(WAS)(日本部局幹事:昭和61年〜平成11年)
STRUSSMANN, Carlos Augusto
1. K. Dabrowski, F. Takashima, C.A. Strüssmann, and T. Yamazaki. 1986. Rearing of coregonid larvae with live and artificial diets. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries 52:23-30.
2. K. Dabrowski, F. Takashima, and C.A. Strüssmann. 1986. Does recovery growth occur in larval fish. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries 52:1869.
3. C.A. Strüssmann and F. Takashima. 1989. PNR, histology and morphometry of starved pejerrey larvae. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 55:237-246.
4. C.A. Strüssmann and F. Takashima. 1989. Effects of temperature upon survival and histological changes of starved pejerrey larvae. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 55:247-254.
5. C.A. Strüssmann and F. Takashima. 1990. Hepatocyte nuclear size and nutritional condition of larval pejerrey, Odontesthes bonariensis (Cuvier et Valenciennes). Journal of Fish Biology 36:59-65.
6. C.A. Strüssmann & F. Takashima. 1992. Larval growth and point-of-no-return in fish. Océanis 18(1):27-39.
7. C.A. Strüssmann, B.C. Ng, T. Oshiro, and F. Takashima. 1993. Triploidy induction in an atherinid fish, the pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis. The Progressive Fish-Culturist 55(2):83-89.
8. C.A. Strüssmann, P. Renard, H. Ling, and F. Takashima. 1994. Motility of pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis spermatozoa. Fisheries Science 60(1):9-13.
9. P. Renard, C.A. Strüssmann, H. Ling, and F. Takashima. 1994. Evaluation of extenders for pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis sperm. Fisheries Science 60(6):661-666.
10. C.A. Strüssmann, F. Takashima, and F. Nin. 1994. Microscale variation in epidermal thickness, distribution, and size of mucus and alarm substance cells in the skin of juvenile fancy carp (Cyprinus carpio). Copeia 1994:956-961.
11. K. Saitoh, H. Sugiyama, C.A. Strüssmann, F. Takashima, and K. Kawabata. 1994. Determination of elements in sea water and somatic fluids of marine fish. Journal of the Japanese Society of Salt Water Science 48(4):248-256 (in Japanese).
12. R. Patiño, K.B. Davis, J.E. Schoore, C. Uguz, C.A. Strüssmann, N.C. Parker, B.A. Simco, and C.A. Goudie. 1996. Sex differentiation of channel catfish gonads: normal development and effects of temperature. Journal of Experimental Zoology 276:209-218.
13. J.C. Rodriguez Souza, S. Sekine, S. Suzuki, Y. Shima, C.A. Strüssmann, and F. Takashima. 1996. Usefulness of histological criteria for assessing the adequacy of diets for Panulirus japonicus phyllosoma larvae. Aquaculture Nutrition 2:133-140.
14. C.A. Strüssmann, F. Takashima, and K. Toda. 1996. Sex differentiation and hormonal feminization in pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis. Aquaculture 139:31-45.
15. C.A. Strüssmann, S. Moriyama, E.F. Hanke, J.C. Calsina Cota, and F. Takashima. 1996. Evidence of thermolabile sex determination in pejerrey. Journal of Fish Biology 48:643-651.
16. C.A. Strüssmann, J.C. Calsina Cota, G. Phonlor, H. Higuchi, and F. Takashima. 1996. Temperature effects on sex differentiation of two South American atherinids, Odontesthes argentinensis and Patagonina hatcheri. Environmental Biology of Fishes 47:143-154.
17. P.G. Vissio, G.M. Somoza, M.C. Maggese, D.A. Paz, and C.A. Strüssmann. 1997. Structure and cell type distribution in the pituitary of pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis. Fisheries Science 63(1):64-68.
18. C.A. Strüssmann, T. Akaba, K. Ijima, K. Yamaguchi, G. Yoshizaki, and F. Takashima. 1997. Spontaneous hybridization in the laboratory and genetic markers for the identification of hybrids between two atherinid species, Odontesthes bonariensis (Valenciennes 1835) and Patagonina hatcheri (Eigenmann 1909). Aquaculture Research 28:291-300.
19. G. Yoshizaki, K. Yamaguchi, T. Oota, C.A. Strüssmann, and F. Takashima. 1997. Cloning and characterization of pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis (Valenciennes 1835) mitochondrial DNA and its application for RFLP analysis. Journal of Fish Biology 51:193-203.
20. C.A. Strüssmann, T. Saito, M. Usui, H. Yamada, and F. Takashima. 1997. Thermal thresholds and critical period of thermolabile sex determination in two atherinid fishes, Odontesthes bonariensis and Patagonina hatcheri. Journal of Experimental Zoology 278:167-177.
21. E. Supryono, F. Takashima, and C.A. Strüssmann. 1998. Toxicity of linear alkylbenzene sulphonate (LAS) to juvenile kuruma shrimp, Penaeus japonicus: a histopathological study on acute and sub-chronic levels. Journal of Tokyo University of Fisheries 85:1-10.
22. C.A. Strüssmann, T. Saito, and F. Takashima. 1998. Heat-induced germ cell deficiency in the teleosts Odontesthes bonariensis and Patagonina hatcheri. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 119A:637-644.
23. R. Patiño, C.A. Strüssmann, and K. Davis. 1998. Mechanisms of gonadal sex differentiation in fishes: a novel hypothesis for the channel catfish. In: J. Trant, Y. Zohar, A. Place and D. MacKinlay, eds. Molecular Studies in Fish Endocrinology (Proceedings of the International Congress on the Biology of Fish). American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, pp. 25-27.
24. J.C. Rodriguez Souza, C.A. Strüssmann, F. Takashima, S. Sekine, and Y. Shima. 1999. Absorption of dissolved and dispersed nutrients from sea-water by Panulirus japonicus phyllosoma larvae. Aquaculture Nutrition 5:41-51.
25. J.-H. Kang, G. Yoshizaki, O. Honma, C.A. Strüssmann, and F. Takashima. 1999. Effect of an osmotic differential on the efficiency of gene transfer by electroporation of fish spermatozoa. Aquaculture 173:297-307.
26. C.A. Strüssmann, H. Nakatsugawa, F. Takashima, M. Hasobe, T. Suzuki, and R. Takai. 1999 Cryopreservation of isolated fish blastomeres: effects of cell stage, cryoprotectant concentration, and cooling rate on post-thawing survival. Cryobiology 39:252-261.
27. P.G. Vissio, L. Andreone, D.A. Paz, M.C. Maggese, G.M. Somoza, and C.A. Strüssmann. 1999. Somatolactin cells in the pituitary of female pejerrey, Odontesthes bonariensis (Atherinidae): changes related with the reproductive status. Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish. FishSymp99, Bergen, Norway, pp. 494.
28. M.Y. Tsuzuki, H. Aikawa, C.A. Strüssmann, and F. Takashima. 2000. Comparative survival and growth of embryos, larvae, and juveniles of pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis and O. hatcheri at different salinities. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 16:126-130.
29. M.Y. Tsuzuki, H. Aikawa, C.A. Strüssmann, and F. Takashima. 2000. Physiological responses to salinity increases in the freshwater silversides Odontesthes bonariensis and O. hatcheri (Pisces, Atherinidae). Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 48:81-85.
30. M.Y. Tsuzuki, K. Ogawa, C.A. Strüssmann, M. Maita, and F. Takashima. 2000. Physiological responses during stress and subsequent recovery at different salinities in adult pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis. Aquaculture, 200:349-362.
31. M.Y. Tsuzuki, C.A. Strüssmann, and F. Takashima. 2000. Respiratory metabolism of starved larvae of pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis and O. hatcheri at different salinities. Proceedings of Aqüicultura Brasil 2000 (Anais do XI Simpósio Brasileiro de Aqüicultura, Simbraq - IV Encontro Sulbrasileiro de Aqüicultura), Florianópolis, Brazil, CD-ROM.
32. S. Hashimoto, S.-M. Cho, R. Kurihara, C.A. Strüssmann, M. Uozumi, H. Yamakawa, T. Yamasaki, K. Soyano, H. Shiraishi, and M. Morita 2001. Gonadal abnormalities in wild Konoshiro gizzard shad (Konosirus punctatus) from Tokyo Bay, Japan. Proceedings of the 1st Meeting, SETAC Asian-Pacific, Kanazawa, Japan, pp.65.
33. L.A. Miranda, C.A. Strüssmann, and G.M. Somoza. 2001. Immunocytochemical identification of GtH1 and GtH2 cells during the temperature-sensitive period for sex determination in pejerrey, Odontesthes bonariensis. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 124:45-52.
34. P. Routray, T. Suzuki, N. Kimizuka, K. Kawai, R. Takai, and C.A. Strüssmann, 2001. Cold tolerance and ice nucleation temperature of medaka (Oryzias latipes) embryos with different cryoprotectant treatments. Cryobiology and Cryotechnology, 47:1-6.
35. P.G. Vissio, L. Andreone, D.A. Paz, M.C. Maggese, G.M. Somoza, and C.A. Strüssmann. 2002. Relation between the reproductive status and somatolactin cell activity in the pituitary of pejerrey, Odontesthes bonariensis (Atheriniformes). Journal of Experimental Zoology, 293:492-499.
36. P. Routray, T. Suzuki, C.A. Strüssmann and R. Takai. 2002. Factors affecting the uptake of cryoprotective agents by fish eggs and embryos. Fisheries Science 68S:965-966.
37. L.S. Ito, M. Yamashita, and C.A. Strüssmann. 2002. Dynamics of heat-induced germ cell loss in pejerrey, Odontesthes bonariensis. Fisheries Science 68S:1313-1314.
38. C.A. Strüssmann and M Nakamura. 2002. Morphology, endocrinology, and environmental modulation of gonadal sex differentiation in teleost fishes. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 26:13-29.
39. P. Routray, T. Suzuki, C.A. Strüssmann, and R. Takai. 2002. Factors affecting the uptake of dimethyl sulfoxide by the eggs and embryos of medaka, Oryzias latipes. Theriogenology, 58:1483-1496.
40. L.S. Ito, M. Yamashita, and C.A. Strüssmann. 2003. Histological process and dynamics of germ cell degeneration in pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis larvae and juveniles during exposure to warm water. Journal of Experimental Zoology 297A:169-179.
41. R. Kawana, C.A. Strüssmann, and S. Hashimoto. 2003. Effect of p-Nonylphenol on sperm motility in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 28 (1-4):213-214.
42. S. Hashimoto, R. Kurihara, C.A. Strüssmann, T. Yamasaki, K. Soyano, A. Hara, H. Shiraishi, and M. Morita. 2003. Gonadal histology and serum vitellogenin levels of bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus from the Northern Pacific Ocean - absence of endocrine disruption bio-indicators. Marine Pollution Bulletin 46:459–465.
43. N. Minamitani and C.A. Strüssmann. 2003. Effect of temperature on the efficiency of feminization of medaka (Oryzias latipes) by hormonal (estradiol) manipulation. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 28 (1-4):163-164.
44. L.A. Miranda, P.H. Strobl-Mazzulla, C.A. Strüssmann, I. Parhar and G.M. Somoza. 2003. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone neuronal development during the sensitive period of temperature sex determination in the pejerrey fish, Odontesthes bonariensis. General and Comparative Endocrinology 132:444-453.
45. L.S. Ito, M. Yamashita, C. Takahashi and C.A. Strüssmann. 2003. Gonadal degeneration in sub-adult male pejerrey (Odontesthes bonariensis) during exposure to warm water. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 28 (1-4):421-422.
46. S.-M. Cho, R. Kurihara, C.A. Strüssmann, M. Uozumi, H. Yamakawa, T. Yamasaki, K. Soyano, H. Shiraishi, M. Morita, and S. Hashimoto. 2003. Histological abnormalities in the gonads of konoshiro gizzard shad (Konosirus punctatus) from coastal areas of Japan. Environmental Sciences 10:25-36.
47. C.A. Strüssmann, T. Oikawa, T. Otake, and S. Kasuga. 2003. Potential use of otolith microchemistry for field studies of temperature-dependent sex determination and gonadal degeneration in fish. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 28 (1-4):129-130.
48. A. Setiarto, C.A. Strüssmann, F. Takashima, S. Watanabe, and M. Yokota. 2004. Short-term responses of adult kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus (Bate) to environmental salinity: osmotic regulation, oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion. Aquaculture Research 35:669-677.
49. L.S. Ito, M. Yamashita, F. Takashima, and C.A. Strüssmann. 2005. Dynamics and histological characteristics of gonadal sex differentiation in pejerrey (Odontesthes bonariensis) at feminizing and masculinizing temperatures. Journal of Experimental Zoology A (Comparative and Experimental Biology) 303:504-514.
50. C.A. Strüssmann and L.S. Ito. 2005. Where does gonadal sex differentiation begin? Gradient of histological sex differentiation in the gonads of pejerrey, Odontesthes bonariensis (Pisces, Atherinidae). Journal of Morphology 265:190-196.
51. F. Ahmed, M. Yokota, S. Watanabe, Y. Koike, S. Segawa, C.A. Strüssmann. 2005. Time to recover the upright posture in juvenile abalones (Haliotis discus discus, H. gigantea and H. madaka). Aquaculture Research 36:799-802.
1. C.A. Strüssmann, and F. Takashima. 1995. Chapter VII. Digestive system. In: F. Takashima and T. Hibiya, eds. An Atlas of Fish Histology; Normal and Pathological Features, second edition. Kodansha-Gustav Fisher Verlag, Tokyo-Stuttgart, pp. 88-115.
2. C.A. Strüssmann and R. Patino. 1995. Temperature manipulation of sex differentiation in fish. In: F.W. Goetz and P. Thomas, eds. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish. FishSymp95, Austin, Texas, pp. 153-157.
3. F. Takashima and C.A. Strüssmann. 1997. Aquaculture in Japan: recent trends. In: F. Takashima, T. Takeuchi, T. Arimoto, and C. Itosu, eds. Proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Fisheries Science in a Tropical Area. Tokyo University of Fisheries, Tokyo, pp. 165-172.
4. C.A. Strüssmann and R. Patino. 1999. Sex Determination, Environmental. In: E. Knobil and J.D. Neill, eds. Encyclopedia of Reproduction, Academic Press, Vol. 4, pp. 402-409.
5. T.J. Pandian, C.A. Strüssmann and M.P. Marian (eds) 2004. Fish Genetics and Aquaculture Biotechnology, Science Publishers (Enfield, New Hampshire, USA), 162 pp.
6. C.A. Strüssmann, M. Karube, L.A. Miranda, R. Patiño, G.M. Somoza, D. Uchida, and M. Yamashita. 2004. Methods of sex control in fishes and an overview of novel hypotheses concerning the mechanisms of sex differentiation. In: T.J. Pandian, C.A. Strüssmann and M.P. Marian, eds. Fish Genetics and Aquaculture Biotechnology, Science Publishers (Enfield, New Hampshire, USA), pp. 65-79.
7. C.A. Strüssmann and N. Yasuda. 2005. Biology and aquaculture of pejerrey. In: F. Takashima, ed. Freshwater Aquaculture Systems, Koseisha Koseikaku (Tokyo) (in Japanese, in press) (ペヘレイ(生物学と増養殖,ストルスマン カルロス、安田 直弘,水産増養殖システムー「淡水魚編」,隆島 史夫 編,恒星社厚生閣、東京)
STRUSSMANN, Carlos Augusto